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Everything posted by NovicaneZero

  1. Maybe, maybe not that's always the risk you sign up for using these services.
  2. Just stick it in already!! but in all honesty thank you for the hard work it looks great.
  3. False, in 3 days it will have been 2 months
  4. Maybe check with the resellers I believe @Mar1k is a reseller for that region.
  5. Put this in the appropriate location https://chodscheats.nolt.io/
  6. Suggestions go here https://chodscheats.nolt.io/. Also I have never played scum but it looks decent
  7. Staff will never give ETA's read the site rules
  8. Either your sub expired or something else make sure you have an active sub and if it is active make a support ticket.
  9. You'll have better luck milking a goldfish than getting an ETA here bud.
  10. So is the shout box going away?
  11. You can get new boards for ryzen and intel chip sets for $80 my point is I don't want to downgrade Mobo's because I got banned in a game.
  12. So am I correct in reading it usually has nothing to do with the serial of the motherboard? Which would be awesome as SSD's are cheap and a new mobo is $400
  13. Keep up the good work devs we have faith in you. It will be ready when it's ready.
  14. I'll buy it I added you on discord I'd also like to use @idiotguy as a middleman
  15. Any chance BSG changes anticheat providers. If so will that make it substantially harder to work around?
  16. Good seller just bought 14Mil good security trustworthy seller.
  17. Hey can you check and make sure the account isnt banned from the March 24 ban wave? if so ill buy it over paypal My EOD got banned a few days ago
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