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Everything posted by NovicaneZero

  1. Works for some people, not for all.
  2. Only way is to buy new account and try and if HWID banned charge back
  3. Check the cheat status page
  4. Good deal give it a few more days just to be sure
  5. Make sure to have all other drives unplugged when firing up the game
  6. You can try the SSD Raid 0 trick (it works for some people) but if it doesnt work then you most likely need new pc components.
  7. My go to is casual Rainbow six siege. I won't ever cheat in that game. (Unless we decide to make a cheat for it)
  8. No need for insults here. Many private cheat sites do ID verification to keep the service safe. Not saying that's what we will do here.
  9. It is still undecided if csgo will be updated.
  10. Click your name in top left> Profile> upload cover photo
  11. Good work mate that's pretty much the best case scenario.
  12. It's all about the amount of money you are willing to spend. There's no shame in walking away when your wallet has had enough.
  13. I'm on mobile right now so I'm not 100% but I believe free programs like HW monitor should tell your serial info. Maybe CPUid would work.
  14. Are your drives serial numbers all 0000000 after raid 0 because that is the ideal outcome
  15. A couple providers were selling them and even a few got banwaved, could be a combo of switches and servers crapping their britches.
  16. Sounds about right isn't capitalism wonderful!
  17. BattlEye logs more than just your disk serial numbers. BattlEye also does not generally do IP bans. A spoofer is the safest bet to avoid HWID bans.
  18. Is that a typo or are you actually charging 7X more for 20M roubles?
  19. That's a big OOF sorry for your loss
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