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Everything posted by NovicaneZero

  1. As always all lost time will be compensated. Refunds are on a case by case basis.
  2. Bold claim sir I'm interested to see what the mods reply will be. Worst case it's a good day for a YEETING.
  3. Nah man Mario kart aimbot for the green shells
  4. We don't discuss other providers. If you want that info you will have to do some creative googling. Mentioning other providers will only get you YEETED.
  5. You need to have an active sub to use chat box. Donator and other ranks don't count. Any update we have is it probably will not drop this week. As always pertinent news will be on top of the chat box first.
  6. Window is closing rapidly for a release today. Best we can hope for is next week.
  7. Or some kind of hour based subscription for the people that play less regularly. Like $5 an hour and they don't expire.
  8. EFT probably won't be stream proof at launch. You can just use silent aim and hide your radar under your webcam overlay.
  9. It won't be 100 that's just temporary to keep people from reuping
  10. All of th donator and supporter features for the chatbox are gone effective 18 hours ago. I'm not sure about the banners on forum posts however.
  11. @Rexxie they still have their in-house anti cheat for manual bans so far BE only picks up on the injection methods I believe.
  12. well its not coming out this week so yes probably November.
  13. That's a real quick way to get yeeted from here.
  14. Entirely depends on the anticheat and the time spent developing it. BattleEye cheese can fetch up to $100/month it's all about the competition. How many options do you have.
  15. Unfortunately no preorder system. Just have to be patient for the cheese to come back. Chod is working hard on it.
  16. The team doesn't work on the weekend keep an eye out for any news tomorrow if there will be any.
  17. The team typically doesn't work on the weekends
  18. This information is listed in 2 places on the main screen and you are only the 730th person to ask the same question so do a little research before making new post.
  19. The mods have been using the cheat undetected for a few weeks now, hopefully that is a good sign.
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