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About dixienormis77

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  1. So is this a way to avoid frustration/losing customers when specific cheat doesn't come back? I feel this is only a distraction away from the fact many people paid for EFT and no refunds or possibility of use in the near future are clear. Personally as a paying customer I would feel better if you focused on what you have now considering only 2 of 8 are actually available, seems extremely asinine this is even being posted right now.
  2. NOBODY, please let me repeat that......NOBODY is getting banned for having a website open. Period. Stop spreading fake rumors.
  3. Holy hell, this is hilarious. You all sound like professional programmers, Im suprised you all dont have your own cheats coded up ready to go. @Westyyou are very naive to the security policy you agreed to when you purchased said game(s). The game takes the screen shot, NOT BE. But bet your ass BE has access to them. We learned this in PUBG, educate yourself.
  4. I called it, disappointing as it is..... this is the reality and we all need to accept that our mindsets need to change about cheesing in EFT moving forward. Good luck!
  5. I applaud their care to my account but at the end of the day they are selling a cheat, a cheat to a game that is now protected by Battleye, so its no longer a question IF you will get caught but WHEN. People need to remember you are cheating, now with the introduction of BE you will be getting caught, you will be losing accounts. The only people who should still be wanting to cheese in EFT are those who don't care about losing accounts and those with discretionary income. So what are we really waiting for?????
  6. Pfft, I've been playing EFT religiously since release. I have been cheating for the last 2 1/2 years. I know the player cycle EFT goes through after a wipe. The last wipe if you weren't hacking you weren't even playing the same game, everyone was cheating. All I am saying is it will be the same thing by the time we get it, which feels bad. I was excited to get the cheese at an earlier time in the wipe cycle, that how I would enjoy it, to each there own. However that said doesn't change the fact when we get the cheese it will be late in the wipe cycle with alot less player base. I do agree .12 brought in fresh meat, lots of it.
  7. I guess we can agree to disagree. The player base is already down and only getting smaller. Neat we get to FIGHT other hackers for loot.......thanks. When I say best time I mean when the most people are on, not the loot they have. Its easy to get loot.
  8. My only issue at this point on how long it is taking is the simple fact NOBODY will be playing by the time CHODS releases we have already missed the best time, right after wipe. The payer base is slowly dying until next wipe. So when the cheese finally drops the only people playing will be cheaters......so do they really care about us or their product? Are they just waiting until nobody plays so the detection rate is down??
  9. It is, but up until now it really hasn't been. Unfortunately the playing field has changed quite drastically with the introduction of BE.
  10. All these peeps just waiting to get banned when the cheese goes online......
  11. I highly doubt people are interested in spending 40-50 on cheat and game just to get banned and have to spend 40-50 again to get the game and a chance to get banned again....seems like a brilliant idea.
  12. Salt everywhere....it's comical. This isn't a toxic post, its not a slam on how long it is taking. It was to talk about our expectations moving forward given the fact that they are now dealing with BE. I'm a realist who has been in the cheating community for years who has a very good understanding of programming, though I appreciate all of your assumptions. A majority of games that have public cheats are always getting detected and having to be re-work to be "safe" again, during those times of "detection" people get banned. Its the nature of the beast, CHOD is no longer going against BSG and there poor AC they are now dealing with the big boys and only time will tell if CHOD and his team can truly pull off what others cant without going private, I have doubts due to my years experience and knowledge. To the fanboys who got their panties in a bunch over this post, chill......take a bong rip if needed. I appreciate all that CHOD and his team does and have been a member for awhile now.
  13. TIME will tell......but personally I don't think we will see a release for EFT cheese here anytime soon.
  14. Another cheat provider got their product detected and all its users banned this previous weekend. Doubt we will be seeing CHODS EFT cheese anytime soon, Battleye is doing its job..... and doing it well unfortunately. I posted about this a week ago, cheating in EFT has changed forever, we may never see a reliable cheat again, with BE detection will always happen with public cheats, just a matter of when.
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