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Everything posted by Nijo

  1. @DIGITUL @piratehunter ^^^^ Congrats to the winners!
  2. This is really kind of you! Thank you for the giveaway! Please exclude me from the Giveaway Best of luck to all of you!
  3. Everytime I come back to this post my eyes burn
  4. What would the dota 2 cheat include? You would get banned almost instantly for almost every feature I can imagine.
  5. Good day! This is the first cheat I ever used in any video game, so you can also call me a noob. It took me a day to figure out a config, and get to know all the features. I felt like I got what the site promised. If you decide to buy the product, as Snif said, there is loads of config submissions and guides to get you started. If you don't find what you're looking for, most people of this community are extremely helpful and surely you will get everything sorted just fine! Welcome and enjoy your time in the forums!
  6. Welcome! The cheats really help you relax in games, especially in EFT, when the game tends to get intense every now and then. Happy cheating and regards!
  7. Hey hairline, welcome to the family!
  8. Haha, that's really nice. I'm defo gonna do that whenever I get my own streamdeck. Nice work!
  9. These look dope and really professional!
  10. Nijo

    CSGO ranks?

    Global with 3 accounts (no cheats), LEM with cheat. 5100h in
  11. Nijo


    Glowy names, I like it. Reminds me of old IRC channels.
  12. Nijo

    Hi i rohas

    Welcome aboard Rohas, enjoy your sweet new cheats!
  13. Don't count me in. This is really really dumb way to do a giveaway.
  14. Good luck to the contestants! Exclude me from the list
  15. Free stuff is fun!
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