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Everything posted by Nijo

  1. Hello and welcome to Chod's Cheats!
  2. Hi Burn, welcome to the site! Most people in Finland prefer an energy drink called burn, even though we don't sell it here. Fun facts
  3. Damn dude, you just keep on coming. I'd love to see you doing a montage of the cheats.
  4. You made me smile, so, kudos! Thank you for the kind words, we appreciate it a lot.
  5. Oh man, that's actually pretty damn dope. Defo gonna use that in my next video, if you'll provide a download link. Great work!
  6. Thank you for the review!
  7. Nijo


    Hello and welcome! I like to personally have my esp in really low distances to avoid cluttering my screen with player information. Never really use aimbot.
  8. Nijo

    SCUM game

    Hey! Make sure you're posting in the right section next time. /moved
  9. Welcome to Chod's Cheats, enjoy your stay!
  10. Nijo


    Poker for a living sounds pretty damn good. Welcome to Chod's, enjoy your time here!
  11. Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed my shit-post
  12. Please check that you post in the right section next time. /moved
  13. I can understand why they are pissed off though.
  14. Definately. I can always make more videos, I just don't feel like ragehacking.
  15. Truth to be told, I really held myself back while doing this edit. Thanks mate. Patience is a virtue. In my opinion BSG has done a lot of great updates to performance in these latest updates, gotta give it to them. Who knows, maybe someday I'll stop cheating and play the game legit. Or, naaah...
  16. Thanks guys! ❤️ @Rev_Gabe_Asher, yeah, pretty much.
  17. Hello fellow cheaters! (and reddit I suppose ) As we've been getting some really mean comments on the reddit about our cheating, I decided to make a small video out of boredom. Hope you enjoy!
  18. Make sure to post in the right section next time. I moved this post for you. /moved
  19. Make sure to post in the right section next time. I moved the post for you. /moved
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