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Everything posted by CantThinkOfName

  1. Please try to refrain from reviving old threads.
  2. Welcome! Glad you’re enjoying chods
  3. Yeah, BSG has to ruin the fun :(
  4. Welcome and btw Loot to me is client sided so other players see loot in the normal spot, and i dont suggest using it because it was patched server side and no longer works :(
  5. Yeah because its just really random lol.
  6. Welcome! I like the picture?
  7. I like this new Zen guy, he really has no chill.
  8. Is it? I haven't played it in a long time but i've heard there a people who prefer Bf4 over Bf1. Yeah, that was the case for awhile, now they are both pretty dead.
  9. Thanks for the review! I will move this to the testimonials area :)
  10. Topic was handled in support //Locked
  11. Battlefield 4 is a relatively dead game.
  12. By ordering H1Z1 do you mean the game store? And welcome!
  13. External cheats are A LOT harder to detect.
  14. Welcome to the community!
  15. Hack for Rainbow Six Siege? That is something we have looked into, if it does get released, it will be invite only.
  16. ATM we do not have anything planned that game and we probably wont anytime soon.
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