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Everything posted by CantThinkOfName

  1. That was not likely from us, he said he injected may 5th before Vacnet.
  2. We're not detected however, Vacnet has been hitting hard.
  3. I think this is a troll but if not, make sure to keep it to the list.
  4. Only vote for games that are on the list.
  5. R6S is not on the list please only vote for games on the list.
  6. Fortnite runs a combo of 2 of the best anticheats, BE and EAC. Not only that Epic games sues cheat providers, that is a hard no.
  7. Please keep the voting to only games on the list.
  8. A lot of these games are not on the list. Please only vote from the list.
  9. Keep the voting to what is on the list.
  10. Keep it to games that were already on the voting list.
  11. World of Warcraft lmfao. Hell no.
  12. Vote for the games that are already on the poll.
  13. @Mr D @HittingYeet I have sent both of you an invite to the discord.
  14. Good job making it so even blind people can read it.
  15. Welcome to the community, hopefully you enjoy the cheats.
  16. There are some clients and game servers.
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