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Everything posted by CantThinkOfName

  1. ... I knew that psh 100 i miss typed see i did 001 by accident i totally wanted to type 100 Oof
  2. giv me my cheatz nubtardz usuxxorz wtfpwnt roflcopterwithasideofwafflez
  3. LOL, I can vouch for zen, hes a great player +rep
  4. Been playing Siege for a very long time, cheap boosting because i enjoy the game Copper - Bronze = Free (LUL) Bronze - Silver = $5 Silver - Gold = $10 Gold - Plat = $20 Plat - Diamond = DEPENDS ON TIME TAKEN CUSTOM ORDERS WILL BE DISCUSSED.
  5. Challengers so far: @Dexter @Dr. Snif @Stev @Sellier @GandhiCS @RealTubz All loses, anyone else?
  6. No one has beat me yet, the giveaway continues.
  7. In celebration of our server releasing for CSGO (I know im like a month late) I will be hosting a giveaway for one of our cheats (Trusted cheats not included): To win this giveaway you must simply, beat me in a 1v1 (HVH) on Chod's HvH server. First one to beat me will get the cheat, this giveaway will continue until someone beats me. (Comment below your steam link)
  8. Neat idea but I don’t see people wanting to wear those out :/
  9. The reason why people think that hours mean so much is because, when you are in a CS game cheating and someone suspects you of cheating the first thing they do is check your profile and look at your hours. Low hours to people means 1 of 2 things, Cheater or smurf. If you have a lot of hours they might just think you are a good player. And there is programs you can find that boost hours for free.
  10. Welcome! if you know how to code you should get in talks with one of the admins and see about applying to be a coder :)
  11. Welcome to the community! What other games are you interested in?
  12. I wouldn't call a game that gets over 200k concurrent players per day "Dead"
  13. Tired of grinding in world of tanks? I am wiling to help with that grind! Price guidelines: Tier 1-5 = $20 Tier 1-7 = $30 Tier 1-8 = $45 Tier 8-10 = $75
  14. I have been playing POE for a long time now and have well over 1000 hours, with this service you tell me what level you want to be and i will level your character to that level WITHOUT any botting Depending on what you order will change the price but here is a baseline (Prices can be negotiated, all levels come with labs) 1-70, $30-$35 1-80, $50-$70 1-90+ $100+ Anything found while playing will stay on your account. (PM me or reply for more details) Account #1 Level 90 Sunder tank, VERY fast attack speed/tanky and very easy to use! (Noob friendly) https://imgur.com/a/4yvAh Account #2 Level 93 Frost blades build, VERY powerful,fast attack speed, low HP but high res, very easy to understand and use! (Noob friendly) https://imgur.com/a/Ybs12
  15. DayZ ain't dead buddy. DayZ is a very dead game.
  16. Welcome to chods! Hope you enjoy the USB!
  17. We don’t currently have any plans for it, the game released and kinda died off almost instantly so we probably won’t be releasing a cheat for it. But that may change in the future.
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