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Can we get a peek, a taste...anything??


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Listen I know this cheating business is all "top secret" stuff but its not like BSG isn't going to know when the largest cheat provider cheat goes online, i can only assume they are watching and waiting with an eager eye. With that said, can we get a little peek or an update on the cheese? We have been misinformed multiple times about when to expect it, we are here, loyal and some still even paying/supporting the cause but I have to be honest I am losing patience and faith there is an actually working product that is anywhere close to being release due to the lack of communication and assumptions by the community. A little transparency and honesty could go a long way here.....


Thanks again for your hard work, looking forward to anything related to the EFT cheese at this point........

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17 minutes ago, dixienormis77 said:

We keep hearing this but what happens on that day its released? What about the "security" then, won't it be exposed for all to see? Again I don't get why is so "hush hush" BSG is clearly watching, so what does it matter they will know the second the cheat is released anyway. 

What will they know? How does the interface look like? Dude, do you know how coding looks? You wont have access to the source data anyway and since the injector communicates with server the data can be easily hashed, resulting in you / BSG seeing just shitload of hashed data that cannot be decrypted and if it would, you would not understand it anyway. The looks of the cheat will be almost the same, its the data behind that will be completly different...
Until then the cheat is in production and any data they would show I bet are not encrypted so that definitely would compromise security.

Plus, there is dev-blog you can check.

Do you want chod and his dudes to focus on developing or preparing some disclosure materials for you to see and not understand?

There is only about 100 nicks I saw on the forum talking about eft so they know we are excited. Myself included and I would kill to have the cheat early or to see some details, but it has been said about 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 times that they do not give information and ETA.

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19 minutes ago, makemeawesome said:

What will they know? How does the interface look like? Dude, do you know how coding looks? You wont have access to the source data anyway and since the injector communicates with server the data can be easily hashed, resulting in you / BSG seeing just shitload of hashed data that cannot be decrypted and if it would, you would not understand it anyway. The looks of the cheat will be almost the same, its the data behind that will be completly different...
Until then the cheat is in production and any data they would show I bet are not encrypted so that definitely would compromise security.

Plus, there is dev-blog you can check.

Do you want chod and his dudes to focus on developing or preparing some disclosure materials for you to see and not understand?

There is only about 100 nicks I saw on the forum talking about eft so they know we are excited. Myself included and I would kill to have the cheat early or to see some details, but it has been said about 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 times that they do not give information and ETA.

we live in a society

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I'm not sure what much more everyone is looking for information wise considering the cheat development. If Chod's is your only experience with any public cheat provider consider yourself lucky and stick with it. They've already been kind enough to share some information with us, and when they do share info they're very smart about it.


Other's are not so considerate. These people take their cheat security seriously, which is why I think they know what they're doing.



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8 hours ago, Killa said:

This forum is going out of control


nah, we are just making fun because we are shitters who cant play without cheese.


Saddest thing -> kills are easy, but finding shit withotu ESP is unreal. I am selling every gear I steal and still have no money :D

Edited by makemeawesome
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Just now, HackerBot001 said:

Made about 1.2m in the last hour just by running a hatchling.

how? I had been everywhere and earned nothing :D I dont have all shoreline keys tho, just some. but still... when I open safe there is 2000rub, when I go to highloot places its empty, i havent even seen some things as player, only as scav where I died every time.

Last possible profitable raid was when I took down whole scavboss squad on Reserve and then died trying to get to the train to 4 camped scavplayers. Because this days - LPS ammo from mosin just onetaps chest over fckin class 5 armor -_-

so If you have a way how to earn money, plese tell me, yesterday I was stuck on 20k for a short while and I spent whole fckin evening in EFT...

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3 minutes ago, makemeawesome said:

how? I had been everywhere and earned nothing :D I dont have all shoreline keys tho, just some. but still... when I open safe there is 2000rub, when I go to highloot places its empty, i havent even seen some things as player, only as scav where I died every time.

Last possible profitable raid was when I took down whole scavboss squad on Reserve and then died trying to get to the train to 4 camped scavplayers. Because this days - LPS ammo from mosin just onetaps chest over fckin class 5 armor -_-

so If you have a way how to earn money, plese tell me, yesterday I was stuck on 20k for a short while and I spent whole fckin evening in EFT...


Just found 2 flash drives in my current interchange run, thats another 1.2m in 5 minutes xD

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Quiet, this weekend you can already assume that there will be no cheese since they do not work on the weekends (Logically) so with some passivity maybe next week or maybe even the next, provided security  be OK and BSG no longer break our balls with little shit updates.

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19 minutes ago, sofly1911 said:

Its not like you're in prison my guy, be productive with life don't just worry about games ;) 

thats pretty difficult honestly lol. my day consists of going to work at 4am getting off at 2 and doing nothing else but games. At this moment im having anxiety/butterflies about the League Of Legend World Finals between G2 and FPX, PLUS being able to efficiently play EFT since im partly deaf in one ear once the cheese comes out is exciting to me because i enjoy those two games that much

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