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Found 8 results

  1. so recently SCUM is getting more players and making a comeback. there is more player base now. and many is looking for hacks for it. it have the same anticheat as DEADSIDE. is there any chance maybe u guys consider to make a great hack for it. like ur the best to do those stuff :p-
  2. yo i wanna know if the chod cheat still avalaible? and if paysafe is still an option ?
  3. Main Message Hi, there this is aimed for Chod as I feel like this will be a good incentive for you and to give people hope, basically I propose a system like keep the current pricing for EFT and other cheats but make it so we can pay in at the current price for the cheese but as we can expect price changes to go up for this hopefully unrivalled protection from the Anti-cheese system (cause who wants to keep buying EFT accounts) because of how complex it is and the man hours put into it so this system will allow your financial support to continue and will give people a valid reason to buy in early before prices go up and the subscription starts when the cheat go's fully live for everyone. My Experience With CHOD'S Personally Chod's has never let me down I have never been banned on EFT with them even using blatant and RAGE type of settings there protection is a absolute guarantee so when Chod says this will protect us I believe him 100% on that. Summary (for lazy people) Basically Chod should let us by a subscription at the current prices before there back up to keep finical support and incentivise people to buy it before prices go up and they still get the full subscription with the new cheat before it comes out. @Chod Thanks
  4. I have some question... are the VIP cheats more expensive then the normal cheats? What does it take to buy a VIP cheat?
  5. I'd like to say thank you to Chod and the team, I cam from ********** and the difference is massive. The aimbot is smoother and the esp is way more clear, less cluttered. The only thing I could suggest that was really nice with ********** was open all doors.
  6. AIMBOT: the aimbot is really great but some of it fuctions like instakill and infinite amm can bug sometimes and dont work. So I will give the grade 8/10 ESP/Wallhack: aslo really great every thing works perfectly. 10/10 MISC: the misc options have a lot of bugs like night vision dont work, unlimited stamina dont work, and no clip can really troll, etc... 6/10 Overall the cheat is great, can confuse you in the intallation process, but once you get a hang of it you will be fine. But the cheat has an issue, in big maps like customs, woods and shoreline your fps can get really low, about 20 you can still play, and it also depends on your config. PS: sorry for the spelling erros. Not really good at english.
  7. Hey guys Im PHPBIRD3 And Im going to review all the Chod's cheats possible! I'll do compact, nice and clean reviews for all of you who is trying to decide what or which cheat to buy, or you don't even know if you even should buy it. My job is to provide nice, fast, easy and clean help for you, when you need it. But I'll also need your help too. Please try to be tuned for my reviews posts, I need much people, so I can proove myself to the admin team, that Im worth being accepted. I need to get accepted as a trusted member in order the review all the cheats. After I would be invited Im also planning to make whole review VIDEOS; yes you heard it right, to contribute to Chod's Cheats and help you guys in an even adanced, better way. So Im able to provide you guys with much more and better information, tests and other stuff. ú Im also aiming to be a moderator on the forums, so I can truthly dedicate myself to this forum. For that I also need you guys help! Thank you very much for reading and I hope we can work very well together as a community. After all this little speech, its time to talk some basic things about myself; My name is Adamo, Im a student, with big dreams about the future. I know grapich design, programming, and a lots of other stuff. I like to really work along with nice communities, and Im still finding one where I can truthly be someone and dedicate myself to it. I hope my searching end here soon. If you have any questions, feel free to write me; I'll always try to be active 0/24 on the forums, So I can make the most out of my time, and also be active in order to acomplishe my dream, to get invited soon. Thank you for you patience and reading. I may wish you a happy nice day.
  8. Lynx


    <Name:George> <Age:14> <Language:English> <How Long Have You Been Cheating For:2/3 years in csgo.>
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