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Everything posted by ArmorAll

  1. I am selling a recoery service for B03 I have plenty of feedback if you wish to join my server send a dm and I'll send it -?????? ?????: ?$ •?????? ??? •?????? ??? ???????????? •??? ???? •??? ???? •?????? ???????? •??? ??'?/????? ?? •????? ????? -??????????? ?????: ??$ •?????????? •????? 1000 •?????? ???? •??????? ????? •??? ???? hero gear my discord is ArmorAll#7874 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuwmzd0JBbqlNxmwN5VGuCQ?view_as=subscriber for all videos
  2. they might bring it back, unfortunately there is no eta
  3. thank for the review, glad you enjoyed it
  4. ESP: -Don't be obvious when looking at players though walls (ie; tracking players when you wouldn't be able to see them without the cheat) -Don't run straight towards the "high tier" loot everytime, this also means don't happen to "randomly" find things that another player might've stored/hidden -Try not to run straight towards enemy players if they aren't on your path (if an admin is watching and sees you randomly turn left behind an enemy it won't be good for you) -Don't "camp" in a bush or a building and look around hoping to see someone through a wall or bush AIMBOT: -Getting 100% headshot isn't possible; so getting perfect headshot after headshot after headshot isn't probable -Increase your smoothness level so it doesn't look like your flicking from player to player at the speed of light absolutely destroying them! -Purposely miss shots (this is pretty self explanatory) -Lose some fights so your kd won't look suspicious! It be very questionable if your kd was 19.0 or something very high (depending on the game) every single game -DO NOT TRY AND TAKE ON THE ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM BY YOURSELF (ie; 1v5). Unless you have a trap set or an advantage over the enemy team, don't try and fight the entire team -When using Aimbot you can typically see the names with the ESP feature! If an enemy player made you mad from the last game don't "target" that player! Spread your kills out amongst all the players in that lobby/server -Try and keep your stats as realistic as possible:) For example: If your stats weren't that good before you purchased the cheat, DON'T automatically start hitting insane shots and getting 100% accuracy rate! Try and ease into it so it doesn't look as suspicious -Obviously don't get upset and turn on "God Mode" and absolutely ruin the server. This would be a sure way of getting banned! REMEMBER YOU NEVER KNOW WHO IS WATCHING! (You don't know who is watching you, treat every situation like an admin or spectator is watching you) STAY SAFE AND HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY EVERYONE:)
  5. please make a support ticket it is much faster
  6. I didn't know you can do that, seems like fine, I have to try it, love the video
  7. there is not telling, you can make a cheat request though
  8. nice video, we all miss ghost mode so sad that it got patched
  9. thanks for the review, I like the detail you went into
  10. Only Debit,Credit and payssion are accepted
  11. if you cant see them on you're screen they will not pop up on esp, that is what it does
  12. please make a support ticket for that. Next time read carefully as in the requirements it clearly states that you must have a USB
  13. thank you for the review, I enjoyed the video
  14. if your on a laptop use Fn + ins if a desktop you might have to use Shift + Ins
  15. please look at these guides https://chods-cheats.com/guides/nongame/ , if they do not work make a support ticket
  16. you should be fine, you might get a lower fps than usual though
  17. there is always a risk of ban with any cheat, most people go on unbanned though
  18. I would recommend you to use a middle man or have buyer protection if you plan to buy from a new member
  19. ArmorAll

    Nice hacK!

    that's a bit unlucky, It is a nice cheat though, found myself on the same boat but i will keep playing
  20. ArmorAll

    Squad Cheat

    thanks for the review
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