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Everything posted by ArmorAll

  1. Labs runs or any map $5 Also on sale almost all CASES, KEYS, RR and any ite m to order! Ask me by message! Payment method - PayPal or BTC My Discord: ArmorAll#4930 my server https://discord.gg/ghXz3W9
  2. well welcome, pretty late but none the less welcome
  3. ATTACH type="full" width="958px" height="248px" alt="Screenshot_1.png"]4169[/ATTACH] Hey guys, ArmorAll here I'm here to advertise my services for Call of Duty Black ops and Call of Duty Black ops Cold war, below you can fined my services and prices. In order to access my services please join my discord server: [URL='https://discord.com/invite/ghXz3W9']Join the ArmorAll's Modding Services PC only Discord Server![/URL] [COLOR=rgb(84, 172, 210)][SIZE=6][B][I]Black ops 3[/I][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)]Zombies Price: $5[/COLOR][/B] [LIST] [*]Unlock All [*]Unlock All Achievements [*]Max Rank [*]Any Rank [*]Liquid Divinium [*]All EE's/Super EE [*]Legit Stats [*]Max Guns [*]Calling Cards [/LIST] [COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)][B]Multiplayer Price: $10[/B][/COLOR] [LIST] [*]Dark Matter [*]Level 1000 [*]Crypto Keys [*]Calling Cards [*]Max Guns [*]Unlock All Achievements [*]Hero Gear [/LIST] [B][I][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)][SIZE=5]How the process works[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I][/B] [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][B]Step 1[/B][/COLOR] react for a ticket in the #-buy-here channel with what you would like to purchase and i will respond asap. [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Step 2[/COLOR][/B] You will then make payment and i will invite you to my game so i can begin giving you what you purchased. [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Step 3 Zombies: [/COLOR][/B] When we are in game all you need to do is make sure you run around so you do not get kicked for inactivity. When the order is complete i will notify you and i will then end the game. [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Multiplayer:[/COLOR] For multiplayer I need access to your steam account in order to deliver the services which roughly takes around 5 - 15 minutes depending on how much crypto keys you want. [B][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Step 4[/COLOR][/B] If you are happy that you have received everything you payed for please leave a feedback in the #-feedback channel it would mean alot! [B][I][SIZE=6][COLOR=rgb(84, 172, 210)]Black ops Cold War[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I] [COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)]Zombies - [/COLOR][/B][SIZE=5][B][COLOR=rgb(85, 57, 130)]$50 | Extra $10 if you would like to add a friend to the lobby[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] - All Zombies Camos - Level 1 - 1000 - Max Weapon levels - 1 shot Dark aether
  4. Just here to take a look around or check up, wondering how things are going and how people have been, so if you're reading this how are you today?
  5. been a lot of bans from mw, I do recoveries don't recommend getting them as of now
  6. especially since you are new to chods
  7. if its your first ban its most likely not a hwid ban, but if its not just get new drives
  8. made it sound like I've been banned before just not on my mains, let me clarify, the only 2 cheats I can think about that were banned was Apex Legends and Sea of theives, only because I was testing there products when they were down for one reason or another, so there was a slight ban risk there, and most of the times I was safe anyway
  9. its been a long road, never thought I'd see chods at this state, they were always pretty solid and safe cheats, never got banned on my main accounts even on rust, so I could say they were always a solid bet, little sad to see them like this, I would like to see how the discord server is doing but I am no longer a customer, hopefully you guys get everything working again
  10. @dabomb123 Thanks for the shout out
  11. there is no eta on when it will be back
  12. it ends automatically, there is no auto renewal so you don't have to worry about it
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