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Everything posted by ArmorAll

  1. you're a toxic one that's for sure, it can sometimes be fun though I won't lie
  2. Pretty good video, I enjoyed it
  3. It is pretty fun, I am pretty good at most games and don't need to cheat to win, but cheating just makes it way more fun
  4. I believe it was causing some people issues, a blue screen here and there, didn't work for everyone I believe
  5. ArmorAll

    New UI

    well thats good
  6. are you trying to sell you're own cheats here ?
  7. @aquarius this is one of the best reviews i've seen, nice one
  8. its a pretty good product, as stated by jason the aimbot is a little off
  9. yes its different, I know spanish but i can understand a good amount of portuguese as they sound very familiar, they are not the same language however
  10. @dabomb123 you wrote it in spanish, he however speaks Portuguese
  11. its in the testing phase, should be out pretty soon
  12. thank you for the review, glad you enjoyed chods products
  13. ArmorAll


    yes i have noticed some changes @dabomb123
  14. no, there is no was to make them obs friendly as of now
  15. ArmorAll


    Did all the trophies seem to disappear of peoples profiles?
  16. welcome to to this community I hope you enjoy you're stay here
  17. what a nice video, I miss ghost mode
  18. thats a bit odd, try restarting, and make a support ticket
  19. usually they only ban your drives, so just change them out for some new ones and you should no longer be hwid banned, that worked for me, or you can also raid your drives
  20. I am not a new member here, but i have never really introduced myself, I enjoy playing a variety of games and also enjoy using chods products with them. I also enjoy being active in the community, if someone ever wants to squad up in any game I am open just pm me on here or on discord ArmorAll
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