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The One Guy

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Everything posted by The One Guy

  1. Thanks! It's good to see people spreading goodwill in this community. Just be careful to not create what the staff might consider, "Low Effort Posts." Regardless, I hope you have a nice day as well @ArmorAll and thanks again for the generous giveaway, I am currently considering hosting one for a different CC Product. Any recommendations?
  2. Welcome to the Chod's Cheats Community Alexender! To answer your question in a little more detail then my main man @dabomb123 did: When games receive updates (no matter how minor) they are usually locked and listed as Outdated - This is done as a precautionary measure to ensure the Anti-Cheat has not been updated, and if it has Chod's Cheats dev team will update their product so it remains Undetected. As DaBomb also mentioned, all downtime is compensated. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to contact either myself or a staff member.
  3. Welcome to the Chod's Cheats community RulerSakura! I hope you enjoy your stay, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me ❤️ ! As for how I am doing, the answer would have to be great - I am definitely looking forward to the weekend!
  4. Congratulations on your 30 days! It's always good to see a fellow member enjoying the community as much as some of us (I'm looking at you @dabomb123). In regards to your generous offer of a giveaway; I think it's a great idea ❤️ ! Thanks for your participation in the community!
  5. Unlikely to happen, but I can still hope! Name of Game: Rainbow Six Siege Name of Engine: AnvilNext Reason I Want the Cheat: Besides its popularity, I would love to, "have an advantage" over toxic enemy players. I have put in over 700 hours into Siege and I just want to finally have some real fun.
  6. Already answered to death, but I have the need to defend my main man - Chod As stated numerous times in this thread other providers are known to be detected within a week while offering a ridiculously high price considering the downtime and ban rate. Also everyone loves to roast Battleye with various claims such as, "It sucks.". This is in no way true and proves how little you know and understand anti-cheat software. Furthermore during Tarkovs downtime Chod's cheats has been doing huge improvements to both its products, community and website. We don't need to make CC's great again, because it already is.
  7. Welcome to the Chod's Cheats Community drasenti, (even though you have been a member for over 2 years. ) I hope you enjoy your continued stay here!
  8. Welcome to the Chod's Cheats Community ThrotTheUnclean. I can guarantee that Chod has the products your looking for to help alleviate your gaming anxiety. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.
  9. Welcome to the Chod's Cheats Community Chris! I can guarantee that you will enjoy both the people, and the products - I look forward to seeing you around. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.
  10. I have been a proud member of the Chod's Cheats community for well over a year, and yet, I was incredibly surprised when I logged on to find out that Chod's is offering a Fall Guys cheat - FOR FREE As many of you know, Chod's Cheats is easily one of the best providers on the market - Reasons as follows: -Amazing Prices -High Grade Security -Unrivaled Quality If the above reasons weren't enough you can definitely bet that offering FREE cheat's for party games and the sort is definitely reason enough. I have been with many providers in my short time as a fellow, "Advantage Seeker." and I can honestly say that I have never seen one offer free products - Especially for extremely popular games (Fall Guys - 100,000+ Concurrent Players). I look forward to seeing more cheats cheats offered for free. I obviously understand there will not be many, but it is a nice bonus for those that use your paid products. ❤️ Anyways I just wanted to write a thank you to the CC team for not only providing excellent fair priced products, but for also giving back to your community. ❤️ THANK YOU! Live long and prosper. ?
  11. The One Guy


    Welcome to the Community and s always, thanks for the review. I hope you enjoy your continued stay at Chods. If you have any questions or concerns, just ask~!
  12. Stick with Chods and avoid other providers. I am in a few communities just to see whats going as well as to get information. All I can tell you is that there is a lot of outrage at the detections other providers have because they either came out to soon, or just suck at it. Chod is taking his time and putting actual effort into Tarkov. Don't know why people are blaming Chod for taking so long, they make good money off the cheat its not like they don't want it up.
  13. A little late, but I like welcoming people to the community! Welcome! If your looking for good, high quality products then this is the site for you! I hope you enjoy your stay.
  14. Good review, I agree the prices are high, but you pay for quality. I have yet to be banned on any of the products offered. Also thanks for bringing up the issues you had, many reviews never state where CHOD can improve.
  15. As stated in title this is my detailed and honest review about the cheats provided by Chod's Cheats for Hunt: Showdown. Introduction: I will start by mentioning that I have been using this website for nearly two years now and have easily amassed over 1,500 hours of cheat use over 4 different games. I have written a review for both CS:GO and EFT and hope to provide a solid point of reference for anyone considering a purchase of cheats from this website. How Credible is this Review? To reinforce the review I will give you a small breakdown: -Over 2 years on this site as a normal member (So I am not receiving any special treatment, just a normal user.) -1,500 Hours of product use on this site. -200 Hours of direct use in Hunt: Showdown. -I have used and tried out every feature offered in Hunt: Showdown. -I have not been banned after my 200 hours of use. -(Given them way to much money - Worth it though, so I can't complain ) Hopefully what I have mentioned is proof enough that this review is credible and accurate, feel free to ask me any questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI - User Interface: Quick Review: As usual Chod lives up to a nice simplistic UI that goes out of its way to stay simple and easy to use, something many other providers lack or provide for an outrageous price. Simplicity [10/10] - Ease of Use [8/10] - Appearance [7.5/10] Chod lives up to the standard he has set, a nice simplistic UI that will provide you with no problems. -Each Category is properly labelled as well as each option. -Looks clean and sharp. -As stated a couple times now, the UI could not be easier to understand or use. UI Rating - 8.75/10 UI Requests and Recommendations: -It would be nice if the different options/settings had descriptions, as sometimes you have no idea what they do without some trial and error. You could, with some work, implement it so when you hover over the different options/settings it would give you a small description of what they did . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Rays (Wall Hacks) Quick Review: Accurate and easy to use, what more do you want from wall hacks? Accuracy [8/10] - Ease of Use [9/10] As with the X-Rays in all of the other games, Hunt: Showdowns are basically perfect. This feature is definitely the main reason I and most others buy Chod's products. -Very easy to use and understand. -Fair amount of settings and options for customization. -Nice small font. X-Rays Rating - 9.25/10 X-Ray Requests and Recommendations: -Player name option, an option that would allow players to see everyone name above their hit box like in other games. -Raise X-Ray range limit to a slightly higher maximum; currently the map is slightly bigger then the max distance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day/Night Changer: Quick Review: Can be buggy and difficult to use, but it definitely works and can provide a big advantage when its dark in game. Ease of Use [6.5/10] As stated in my quick review the day/night time changer can be buggy and difficult to use but it most certainly works and definitely gives you an advantage. -Does it's job -Complicated, but works Day/Night Changer Rating - 7/10 Day/Night Changer Requests and Recommendations: -Change it so instead of giving you a number when scrolling through the bar it gives you either a time or something easier to understand. -Work on bugs and issues with it - (I would get into detail but the product is currently down so I cannot tinker with it.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basically X-Rays but for Items (Item Detector/Locator): Quick Review: I must admit that I only ever used this feature for a short while since I can really clutter up your screen, but it does its job well and accurately. Ease of Use [8/10] - Accuracy [10/10] This feature shows you the location of items such as medkits, ammo boxes ECT. on the map, allowing you to quickly refill on ammo or health as needed. The main drawback of this feature is that the locator distance is tied to the X-Ray distance for showing you players, so if you lower the detector distance to unclutter your screen and only show you close items you will also only be able to see players that same short distance. Furthermore you also will receive a lot of screen clutter with this feature on, of course you have the ability to choose what items are shown, dramatically reducing clutter. -Has some drawbacks mentioned above. -Regardless of the drawbacks the feature works perfectly. Item Detector Rating - 6.75/10 Day/Night Changer Requests and Recommendations: -Have 2 different distance sliders for Item detection and People detection. -Add a couple more categories for items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERALL RATING AND REVIEW: All in all I believe this to be a great and cost effective product, my only problem which I may have complained about in the past in the conversion ratio between my currency and GDP. Anyways, in the end this product does what its meant to do better then any other provided I have found, and is definitely worth the price. My final product rating: Overall Rating: 9.25/10 Final Words: Thanks for taking the time to read my review, I hope you enjoyed reading and found it to be credible and accurate . If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to leave a reply. Have a good day.
  16. Chod's Cheats provides very high quality hacks that for the most point will never get you banned without user error being involved. I personally have never been banned due to a small amount of luck and the precaution I take to never abuse the product. I basically use Chod's to give me an advantage, nothing else.
  17. Welcome to the community, I hope you like it here. Also expect your cheat standard to be raised very high in comparison to other providers if you look around. Also as dabomb mentioned, be careful to not abuse your advantage, I take good care to ensure I don't and I have never received a ban.
  18. It's been longer then that i'm pretty sure.
  19. I agree player names would be a nice addition. I also agree about the aimbot, I am hopeful they will stay away from that feature as it is easy to detect and ban people over.
  20. Kind of late response to your introduction, but I enjoy reading peoples intros. Anyways, welcome to Chods and I hope you enjoy your stay. I also must admit that I use Chods products since it lets me bond with friends in competitive games that would require to much focus and sweat to barley enjoy without Cheats. Once again, Welcome!
  21. Welcome to Chods! The place where God would buy his cheats, enjoy your stay!
  22. Escape from Tarkov please. And once again, thanks for the giveaway!
  23. Welcome to Chods! Chods is probably one of if not the best cheat provider for Tarkov and a few others! Enjoy your time here, play smart and you will never be caught.
  24. Welcome to the Community
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