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About Bunker88

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  1. Picked up call of duty mw the other day and normally Im against them but the game isn't to bad imho, rotmg is another one you can find me playing, lastly crossout is there for me when I rage quit rotmg lol.
  2. ? made the 25th just to post a link, definitely trust worthy site
  3. Actually wrong, you had registered chod users posting on reddit. Everyone here and aboard knows nikita sucks reddits dick for some lime light. There where countless threads posting with info from these forums useful info? no but your still wrong. Some even used their same reddit name for chod ? this was way before BE also
  4. 1. world of tanks, world of warships,world of warplanes 2. idk shitengine? I don't code 3. no ono makes respected able hacks for these games why not make some money off them? only guys are Hags and they only do warships so anything esp aimbot doesnt matter really all you need is esp
  5. Idk how you guys do it but thanks for all the support I would have banned this nonsense ages ago. That's just the inexperience of managing potato's for you though.
  6. I don't think you read a damn thing I said lol did I say I would pay for a guarantee cheat? anywhere in what I said. no so don't assume when I say security it means guarantee that's your thinking not mine
  7. as long as security is held at the highest standard and ability to hide from detection/watchful eye id gladly pay whatever prices
  8. im exited now this sounds like its gonna be great ?
  9. escape from tarkov of course hope to be on the winning side lol
  10. ya been waiting for it to be updated so I can purchase it
  11. Correct, city of sin so very rarely I meet any cause being a local I ain't spending 12$+ for a beer hahahaha
  12. So much yes. I find very little tk fans anywhere so I try and get them to come out with that song every time I post on a new metal thread. Thank God there's a tk fan here.
  13. I listen to everything ill post 2 songs from different genres and everyone can see if they like the picks and we can expand on that genre? so first up is rap sense sin went with rap first and ill go down the line only fitting to transition into metal (WE ARE NOT GETTING INTO THIS I AM A METAL HEAD, I UNERSTAND. IT FUCKING HURTS BUT ALL I HAVE ARE 2 SONGS DEAL WITH IT) A lil country just for some good measures my last country song will be rap/country hope you enjoy the shows
  14. So I got all the steps correct but somehow I've got this mine that I have been standing on for the last 3 days. Please send help attached is a morse code translation for command. ... - .- -. -.. .. -. --. --- -. -- .. -. . ...-- -.. .- -.-- ... ... . -. -.. .... . .-.. .--. -... .-.. . ... ... - .... . -.-. .... . . ... .
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