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About chancemormon

  • Birthday 24/03/1998

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  1. Beautiful read. You're one of a kind, boss.
  2. And I never assumed you were? I am saying you are suggesting changes for both an unreleased and unfinished product, wait for the release to see what is actually implemented, then make suggestions upon what you feel is missing
  3. There are tons of customizations for the eft cheat, you can practically tune it to however you like, just wait for release then suggest.
  4. The loot filter that has been in the cheat forever, you mean?
  5. Worst part, a lot of this looks "legit" from the streamers pov's, man people are fast to call hax when they get dumped on LOL
  6. I'm just making this to express my appreciation for the amazing work that you guys are doing for everyone. In my time here I've been demonstrated that you guys have such an ability to add value to everything you do here with your dedication, creativity and relevant transparency. Thanks to your incredibly hard work, we're able to feel welcome, included and confident that this service is up to the standards you claim them to be. Everyone's work here is a reflection of your priorities as a serious company. I am grateful for the importance you guys place on delivering a perfect service, and you should all know that I am grateful for everything you've done in your roles up to this point, and I sincerely am excited for what this website will accomplish further down the road. Thank you for everything you do for us, Chod and co. You're the best, and we appreciate you ❤️ Drop your heartfelts to our leaders, and motivate them to keep on truckin'. Show em' we are a top notch community, tight knit and with faith in our boss; Chod. Chance
  7. I've sold probably 20 steam accounts throughout. Several "reports" have been made. I'm still not sued. Or banned. Or any of the sold accounts banned. KEKW
  8. Last time I called rigged, and it was indeed rigged. This time I'm hoping my luck turns and I get this shiznit for EFT ❤️
  9. Darn shoulda edited the thing, I sold it already ;(
  10. no im just trolling. what do u think?
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