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About NeedleDick

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  1. Unfortunately, No. Can't work it out. Had some ideas behind it but they seem to be able to pull it off on the fly, anywhere, any time. So I have no clue what theyre doing to achieve it.
  2. Been noticing a few players recently running around with zero footstep sounds. This is not the usual audio bug caused by a lack of vertical audio. This is players running around right next to you on the same level without making a sound. There was a glitch a while ago to do this but it has been long since patched. Is there a new glitch going around or is this a cheat? If its a glitch, does anyone know how it's done?
  3. Been noticing a few players recently running around with zero footstep sounds. This is not the usual audio bug caused by a lack of vertical audio. This is players running around right next to you on the same level without making a sound. There was a glitch a while ago to do this but it has been long since patched. Is there a new glitch going around or is this a cheat? If its a glitch, does anyone know how it's done?
  4. EFT would be lovely. Thanks for hosting a giveaway :)
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