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Everything posted by JesusIsDead

  1. Can you say something about the "subscription" plans?
  2. Hey In chod i trust. Im loyal. I ain't cheating on papa Chod. I even have special pillow to cry myself to sleep.
  3. lol i know 4 Russians ( ENG support ) ones that are up and not talk-bout about semi private ones. Chinese have 6 running. I'm just waiting for Chods cause - in CHODS we trust.
  4. USE australia VPN ask friend in europe to party with you Enjoy 700 pings. Helps with mowing down bosses like crazy and clearing labs from AI.
  5. If im using HWID spoofer im still putting mobo at risk? The whole point why im using seperate hdd drive so the when i get banned "BE" don't leave trace files on my other legit hard drives.
  6. Dunno when chods comes up i will have seperate windows installation on seperate drive and usinng it only when i unplug my other drives. As far as i understand from BE interview they do smart HWID detection. They know everything can be spoofed so they MOST PROBABLY leave some trace files in your system that identify or records file paths to identify your drive and make unique signature based on files you have. I'm gonna use it simply Different windows installation [all other drives unpluged from power] Hwid spoofer VPN Don't underestimate BE - they are not dumb.
  7. BE uses snitches. They catch someone - and tell em - you give us access via teamviewer to your pc we detect cheats, do a banwave unban you can you can cotinue on as long as you keep giving us access.. This is how they counter "private" ones. BE are dirty bastards.
  8. Good. Thanks for update. and it's Backpack not Backback. Can't wait to use this. So eft cheese is gonna have "packages"? and are you generating launcher for every user separately ? ( To catch the spies )
  9. So to chat with the community i should get a cheat subs for something that i don't want?
  10. I have that nice tingling sensation.
  11. If it wasn't the price wouldn't go up. Drop me a msg when your store is up for eft.
  12. Developing against BE usually is expensive cause the best way is to license your own driver.
  13. I play bear in factory a lot and i get shot all the time. Probably some desync as servers are acting up. Especially when it thinks you are a pmc from previous raid or scav from previous. ( stat bugs )
  14. There are multiple up and been up throughout introduction of BE. Mainly CIS country developed and asia.
  15. It just if someone has access to info it's easy to tie A to B. Doesn't matter if you use different hardware, different ip if you email stays the same and via versa.
  16. Seems like it or you just use same emails all over the place.
  17. They just ask someone else to buy it and direct it remotely if it's hardware attached. Watch some Anti cheat conference videos. Short version : They hire snitches.
  18. pfee Trophic Thunder [laughts] Equilibrium [guns] Donie Darko [mind fuck] and of course The Raid 1 and 2
  19. Just a result of blatant cheesing. There still gonna be a lot of cheaters in tarkov just more stealthy. From one hand im happy - means i can get rid of blatant idiots.
  20. not necessarily. Even if they go private the current subs still gonna have access and one thing you have to know about BE is that they purchase the cheeses So to be truly private - one can only cancel all subs go private and than select to whom alow in or who not allow.
  21. I been wanting to get mine for a year about. always out of stock when i want to buy
  22. BSG has Battleye anti cheat now. We are waiting now for a bypass hence cheat is offline and you can't buy it. Patience.
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