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Everything posted by JesusIsDead

  1. won't help. They have a special tag in their database for streamers. They just keep expanding the list. Yes - you can take name of some low view streamer but top ones are well known to bsg.
  2. Change your region. I don't trust google servers that are located in russia. i drop you a pm with links.
  3. 5 months ago? should be fine for legit play. If you are gonna cheese - than change ip (vpn) + spoof hwid for cheesing if not cheesing get back to original ip and original hwid and play legit.
  4. Just goolge "buy eft roubles" first sites that pop up is where you wana sell. simple as that. Thats how your "clients" will find so you better be there to sell.
  5. What? In first response, you got an answer to your question. Then you started acting like a baby. Sad to see you go, you seem like a nice chap
  6. It'not stream proof. here i give you the same answer as before. (Let me put it in bold and larger so you can actually see it) If you didn't bother to read the first sentence. Nobody is complaining about streamers cheesing, this is cheese site. I'm just letting you know that some of top EFT streamers are cheesers. I give you some extra info so you could analyze the situation and not get banned while streaming. Wouldn't that be embarrassing..
  7. It'not stream proof. Tho there are rumors of people hiding radar behind webcam overlay and using slight aimbot to give them an edge + there are steam proof eft cheeses circulating around in private discords and sector for big bucks In the eroktic issue devs hinted that "eroktic didn't cheat or break tos so they didn't ban him" which itself is strange for them to mention this. Than if we pack this with eft database tables of "streamer_even=true,false" one might think there are some streamers cheesing with BSG blessing. People don't like to watch losers, it's been like this since the beginning of time. All is fair in love and war.
  8. Go to main page FORUM look above chatbox in read. All you need to read is there.
  9. Thanks - but i died quite a long time ago for your sins. Happy and successful new year to you Kitty Flemma.
  10. Not sure - new update is very nice, optimizations too. I now really enjoy the game.
  11. Prob not. A lot of cheat developers dont think its worth the effort. Of course there is high demand but its very hard battle against battleye. There are private ones out there to avoid detection. I have a friend who uses one with costs of 120eur a month, and thats pretty cheap I think chod could handle it but for all that effort and hard maintenance it costs would be out of the roof.
  12. I got lots of stuff but i love the socks the grandma (87yo) made me. The best present you can ever get for Christmas is a good company with your loved ones around you. Appreciate the time we have in this world.
  13. Buy legit OEM key. i got mine for 3 eur from ebay. at this price i just change the key when it becomes invalid due hardware changes.
  14. No. I'm the real ChodsCheat4LIFE Send me some funds via https://www.redcross.org.uk/get-involved/donate at least we might save some scavs.
  15. Yeah - went in dayz yesterday after scum.. movement seemed so clunky... no vaulting or anything..
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