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Everything posted by JesusIsDead

  1. Price will go up Cheese gonna go private Maybe some crappy public version will stay. Eventually BE always wins in the long haul. BUT WE HAVE @Crookzie and lord savior @Chod - take that BE
  2. This is strange as i had ( still have and im disputing this ban 5 years later still ) ban on one of my dayz accounts and my arma 3 account on the same steam client got banned too. ( never used cheese in arma 3 and in dayz ) It was ban from good old days where you could just delete grass and buildings from DayZ files.
  3. Basicaly in their character database they have this variable.
  4. There's literally full you tube of them. Is this cheese worth it? Absolutely. Have tried different providers and now im stuck only here cause is so gud
  5. Just don't be too obvious. Your friends will notice the jump from nothing to something. Welcome to the party.
  6. Something not right.. Jesus should be dead.. Nice ad
  7. Go with sometine like "CryMeARiver", or "youLOOSE".
  8. I would like to see Apex Lengeds cheats and since its EAC i would suggest invite only. I have very bad memories with EAC. Tho i had to give it to EAC - if you ask em why you get banned they don't hesitate and tell which provider you used.
  9. Depends has it been used to cheat or not which region..
  10. I want it too but since it's easy anti cheat - i dont think it will happen very soon
  11. The detection rate on guys who were using auto unlocker prior release was pretty much high without labs being released.
  12. I'm interested in this as well. I would be willing to pay up to 50 eur a month for Dayz ESP.
  13. There is a button on top called "Cheat status" find it.
  14. Basicaly what Face said + you have to be cool with everyone o/
  15. Actually they do just letting you know.
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