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Everything posted by Xpi

  1. depends what its about, but makeing a ticket if its related to our cheat is the best way.
  2. its allways a risk to get hwid banned, but there is not x bans = hwid ban. Some games hwid ban right away other rarely does it. DbD do hwid ban but it seems to be really random, so its hard to say if you will be hwid if you get banned again.
  3. There is no plans for any new cheat currently. /locked.
  4. We dont currently have any promotions or discount codes. Keep an eye out for news about it as it due happen a few times each year that we have a sale.
  5. we use to have a SoT cheat but it got discontinued and most likely wont come back.
  6. use an Aimkey so it only locks while that key is pressed down.
  7. its not a ip ban, when you get that just F5 the page and you should be good to go again. If not try a diffrent browser.
  8. thats quite easy to answere. Its really really easy to make a cheat for EFT, but its hard to keep it UD for a longer period. Interms this mean that what you are seeing is short lived cheats/accounts and ppl makeing new account over and over. that said, there are some really small ultra private eft hacks that can stay ud for a longer period of time, but gl getting into them as its a really small amount of ppl that gets to use it and prices are typical 200$+/month. Chod could release a "updated" eft the same day ppl got banned and everyone would get to cheat for a day or 2 and then bam banned again, thats not hard but is that what you want?
  9. There is currently no plan for one.
  10. 12v rail looks good, have you tried running a stress test on your cpu to see if its thermal throttling, as it might be what makes it restart.
  11. if you download hardware info https://www.hwinfo.com/download/ you can run a sensor test and look at your volt, specific the 12volt line, it should be around 12v, if its below 11.8 that is where your issue is. this is what you need to look for.
  12. Hello, its hard to say what it could be. One thing you could check is temp on your cpu/gpu as most have a fail safe and if it hits thelimit it will restart your pc, id allso look into volt setting on both cpu and gpu as if they arent getting enough, your pc will reboot out of nowhere. if both cpu/gpu have the correct settings, then test your psu as the 12v rail might be fucked and just not providing enough volt to either. You might allso want to run a memtest overnight to see if theres a fault in your memory as you might have lost the silicon vally lottery.
  13. you dont have to spend alot of time on google to find ahella alot of ppl this didnt work for, so as novi said its not working for everyone this is not my opnion, its a fact. iam hwid banned and tried the raid0 myself(i work with raids on a daily basic, so i know how a raid works) and it didnt work as my gpu and cpu weere both hit aswell(and yes i tested it) most ppl this worked for were hwid banned by saber and not be, and the ppl that did get hwid by be for some reason only got hit on their hdd, so a single new hdd/ssd would solve the ban as all the raid0 does is change your serialnumber on the drives, just as if you got a new hdd/ssd. if you want to know about other who this didnt work for, spend 2 min on google and you will find 1000s of ppl that tried and it didnt work for, so as novi said: dont spread false info. It is not working for everyone.
  14. As allways make sure you use a middleman, to avoide scams.
  15. dont think anyone said the first ban cant be a hwid ban, its ben said many times that typical the first ban is not a hwid ban, but it does happen,
  16. we dont currently offer any pubg cheats, and asking for other providers is not allowed.
  17. Iam not sure if it will flag your account, in theory it should not flag you if you dont launch the game but i would not risk it. And ya you can find all the info you need regarding raid0 on google.
  18. This is not as simple as you might think, but here goes. The only permarent way to get around a hwid ban is to buy a brand new pc. And yes if you buy a new pc and you login to a hwid banned steam account(and launch the game) you will be hwid banned again as the account is banned. regarding what parts, this is not possible to answere as it varies from game to game and degree of ac, for the most part the top end ac ban, hdd/ssd, cpu, gpu, motherboard, sometimes they allso ban ram(but not allways), ive even heard ppl claim they had their psu hwid banned but again there is really no 100% way of knowing. Now for whatever reason and only the ac company will know this, some games only ban your hdd/ssd and thus you can get around a hwid ban by changing to raid0 and reinstalling windows, what games this work iam not sure as it seems to change over time aswell. if we take DayZ as an exsample, When dayz first got BE to step up the fight againts cheaters they would hwid ban on the first ban you got. They would at that point ban mobo,cpu,gpu,hdd, but after the game was released (1.0) they no longer hwid ban right away, there is some info that suggest that they allso now only ban hdd/ssd when they hwid ban(they only do hwid in rare cases) so here the raid0 would be enough in theory but again noone really knows 100% other then BE. So if you want to be 100% sure and dont want to go the test route, you should change your hdd/ssd's, cpu, gpu,motherboard,ram. You could allso start with getting a 2nd hdd/ssd and try the raid0 as that would be the alot cheaper then a new pc.
  19. You cannot ask for an invite, if it were to be the case it went private, we would most likely go back to our invite system(see FAQ) but it could be changed to be harder to get invited and have fewer spots. Most likely we would choose loyal customers that have been with us for a long time 1+ year or more. The requirements has not been set in stone as we plan to release public.
  20. Far from it. as feary says it largely depends on your play style and setting in the cheat. The account iam useing currently is 3 months old and i use aimbot all the time, even use some of the risky features sometimes(not all the time but here and there) its all about playing smart and not chase kills, the sec you start to bline for players you will get mass reportet and in time banned, so just play smart and your fine.
  21. it might not be a hwid ban, there was a huge banwave recently and it seems alot of false positives hit. if you ever lagswitched thats most likely why u got banned.
  22. First id spend the money to find out if your hwid banned, we have seen alot of false positives since be as added. Do a fresh windows install (if you have 2 ssd, put in on the one you dont have it on currently) Buy a new account (if you can dont use the same payment as you last did) play the game without a spoofer or anything, if your not banned within 24 hours your not hwid banned. there sadly has been alot of ppl thinking they were hwid banned and used a 3rd party spoofer only to get banned as BE bans spoofers just as much as they ban cheats. So you might not be hwid banned in the end.(there ofcourse is a chance you are or that you 100% know that you are and in that case nvm) Raid 0 works for some ppl and not for others.
  23. considering there is nothing else on the marked as BE is hard to bypass for more then a few days, ppl will wait as long as it takes for something that works longer then a few days, chod could had released this along time ago and everyone would get banned within a week and then you and everyone else would rage over it not being safe and yet here you are complaning its takeing this long?? you can never please everyone, but the ppl who knows just a tiny thing about this battle knows its not easy or else everyone would be doing it and thees ppl will gladly wait for a solid product that is safe. you are ofcourse welcome to your own opnion and that is quite allright.
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