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Everything posted by Xpi

  1. We dont currently offer a CS:GO cheat, it might come back in the future.
  2. it means its outdated and needs to be updated. There has been an update and the cheat is no longer working untill we update it.
  3. Thanks you for the review! Our coders will allways keep working on our cheats so if they find a way to make it more smooth, it will be in
  4. ty for the review! About the vis check, its due to how the game is made and what it sees as an object. metal bars are made a solit objects, so the vis checks cant see the player as they are behind a solid object, sadly nothing our coder can do about that, you can still lock on to that player and kill him if you untick vis check. The reason the aimbot sometimes doink above players is the prediction, if the player changes stance just as you shoot it will try and predict it and if the player then at that moment changes stance again the prediction is off, its a common issue with prediction as it tried to predict where the player is when the bullet hits and in some cases its just off, again not much can be done about that.
  5. Make a ticket as we cant do anything about invoices here.
  6. There is no ETa as to when its comming or what price it will be yet. Your just gonna have to wait and see when it comes out.
  7. It is safe to use currently, we will never leave the status as undetected if its not safe currently. We update it after every game update or if there is any change to the ac we will take it down untill we are sure its safe again. Iam sure others will post and say they are safe if you dont want to belive me.
  8. The aimbot is on point, but as there is no, no recoil/sway it wont stay on target after the first bullet. If you know how to control the recoil it will hit 10/10 bullets Its still early and more features will come over time.
  9. its abit random, but in most cases hwid bans happens on the 3rd ban(it can happen on the first ban though) Some games dont hwid, but most do.
  10. we have a nice community here, all questions are welcome and our lovely members love to help new members, its one of the things that makes Chod's an amazing community! ❤️ There is sometimes a bad seed in the mix, but we try to take care of that quickly as we don't want another hateful cheese site, there are plenty of them out there already.
  11. Xpi


    ill sell you mine for 1 billion d1ck pics and no 2 can be the same!
  12. Welcome bud, hope you enjoy our little community, as the other lads have said, if you have any questions please do ask as iam sure everyone will like to help!
  13. you get that by being helpful and active, if ppl like your reply they can give you rep or you can hold a giveaway that tends to get users the fastest rep but ofc thats all up to you. if you look in the bottom right corner of this reply you can see the grey and while heart, click it and pick an emote. That is how you give others +rep and others can do that to your reply/posts aswell, just remember any attempt of fake rep farming will result in a perma ban so dont try and farm with ya friends
  14. Xpi


    Read and follow our guides. https://chods-cheats.com/guides/nongame/
  15. not sure what your talking about as noone took your sub, its still very much active and working, so iam not sure where your looking. it would allso be faster for you to open a ticket and ask what happened instead of post on our forum as we wont see it as fast. fyi take a look under members area and you can see any active subs.
  16. Ashes Of Creation and if it should come into any sort of open beta/release Camelot Unchained, but CU most likely wont be out in 2020
  17. Our discord is only for active customers, once you have a sub you can join via the link in the menu.
  18. Hello, We currently have a Forum post where you can suggest new games we should make cheats for, take a look and make a suggestion here:
  19. Xpi

    List your game!

    1. World of Warships! 2. BigWorld? (belive its a inhouse engine) 3. Amazing game, with a prediction esp it would be alot more fun, and its has a stable userbase.
  20. how did you get to that it ended? its not even been released yet its in development currently.
  21. you get them once your payment has cleared, and once it has you get a msg from chod on the website with what to do next, follow the guides.
  22. the spoofer you used didnt work. Spoofers get DT aswell so even if it spoofs your serials it can still be DT. you can get new hardware or get a working spoofer, or you have tracers on your pc. So try another spoofer and find a way to remove tracers from Apex.
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