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Everything posted by CantThinkOfName

  1. SCUM looks really good, hopefully they can deliver.
  2. With the new "boosting" update from siege the only way to do it now is that i log onto your account and play on it.
  3. That is cheap damn, might need to try it out
  4. Welcome to the community! Hope you enjoy it.
  5. Welcome to chod's hopefully you enjoy your stay!
  6. Welcome to the community! Hope you enjoy your stay.
  7. Thanks for the kind words! Glad you are enjoying the community.
  8. Would be intersting, if there is a 70x30 one i will buy it.
  9. I saw this and my have to try it out.
  10. It takes time to get trusted, you have to be active, if we do not know you, you will not get invited. //Locked.
  11. Maybe add the price to the posting.
  12. Welcome to chods hopefully you enjoy what we can provide!
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