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Everything posted by Emiiru

  1. yes certainly that is what gift cards are for with the "credits" you bought you should be able to buy 3 months.
  2. Hello chappyfactory. You bought a gift card which allows you to stock up money in our store. Currently the new firefly cheat is not yet available, due to this you can't purchase the cheat yet. Chod has talked about an ETA of a week, but do keep in mind it is an estimate so it might be off.
  3. Members area in the header (Up top), there is also a link by the vip forums. However purchasing is currently disabled till the new cheat is released.
  4. Paypal seemed to have a hiccup/problem yesterday so that was why, sorry for the delay.
  5. I do not see an user with the name of droml trying to register, neither the email in the last 7 days. Perhaps he missed a required field? lemonaj58 did register successfully though and has bought a subscription so his account seems fine
  6. I don't see any posts from you asking for help.
  7. Awareness, hype, promotion. It would be confusing for people if suddenly our whole infrastructure changed without any notice, or mention of such a thing. Trust me, we do want to release, however at the same time we also want it to have a certain amount of polish before release.
  8. PM me the invoiceurl you received on your email. Bitcoin is manual activation.
  9. I'm sorry but you asked for which hack to select then chargeback before we could give you any heLp? You have not asked for any helps on the forums. we can't really reply here since it is now a legal matter.
  10. Emiiru

    Csgo hack

    We're currently undetected. We do not support faceit, or esea currently.
  11. ? :confused: unless you meant to say iso as a date notation
  12. Yes the procedure is still the same Cheat on USB, run steam and cheat as admin.
  13. Because you need to have an active subscription to be able to access the member panel. /Thread closed, graveyard bump
  14. I'm sure but that isn't possible.
  15. Bank payment would also do it. It's out of our hands, we can't activate you before the payment gets processed.
  16. Your eCheque is still processing according to paypal. This should also be reflected on your paypal account. Paypal says that it's expected to be cleared on the 21st July
  17. Request a reset via the member panel. Please read the rules. /Thread closed
  18. How did you purchase? Bitcoin is manual and you have to pm me with the invoiceurl and what game. paypal echeque can take up to 7 business days before they're confirmed.
  19. CC, and money already on the account transfer instant as far as I know.
  20. echeque takes up to 7 business days.
  21. Welcome to the site. Your PM and thread were very late for me and a decent part of the staff which is why you hadn't gotten a reply. I've activated your bitcoin payment.
  22. Emiiru


    I'm sorry Knox, Chod doesn't check his forum PM's as much, I've been trying to tell him about your PM however have been distracted the last few days. I'll try to get it done when he comes on again.
  23. This is against the rules as stated in our rules thread, and in our TOS. TOS linked in bottom, and rules thread: https://forum.chods-cheats.com/showthread.php?2-Rules-and-infractions I'm not sure why you would post while being unsure without researching whether or not this is okay, and then asking us to not enforce the rules / TOS.
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