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Everything posted by Emiiru

  1. No problem, eCheque is kinda unfortunate in that regard, however you won't lose any subscription time due to it
  2. You've paid using an eCheque, they can take up to 5 business days before they clear. The expected clearing date on your eCheque is the 18th april, you should automatically be activated when the payment clears/succeed.
  3. Please do not post the URL publicly. I've activated you.
  4. PM me the invoice URL and what game.
  5. https://forum.chods-cheats.com/announcement.php?f=2 This links to pretty much everything you should need.
  6. Yeah it doesn't work and are currently not being sold.
  7. We do not officially support face it.
  8. Paypal activations are automatic. /Thread closed.
  9. esp and chams should technically be fine, but their range will be limited by the server side anti cheat. However faceit still isn't officially supported so it will completely be at own risk.
  10. Emiiru


    Ah okay, I've re-activated you as the system did a mistake.
  11. Emiiru


    You initiated a chargeback which means that we potentially aren't being paid for the access you've been given. It will stay like this until the chargeback has been settled.
  12. Emiiru


    User has been activated. /Thread closed.
  13. Emiiru


    We're looking into the matter.
  14. Emiiru


    What did you pay with? Bitpay you need to PM me with the subscription and invoiceURL.
  15. ESP is limited server side. Cheating is always a risk, and aimbot and triggerbot is also risky to use in normal MM because of overwatch. Anything is risky, faceit admins spectate you too. Some people have used aimbot and triggerbot on faceit for 15+ matches
  16. I've discussed it with Chod, and we've come to the conclusion that 1 day subscriptions are problematic. In the future we will have a pause subscription functionality so that should help with this issue.
  17. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=23392614&postcount=7
  18. Emiiru


    Yes H1Z1 is up-to-date
  19. You will have to talk with paypal then, that is not within our control.
  20. You initiated a chargeback/reversal so your access has been disabled.
  21. Your VIP automatically gets disabled by the system when you initiate a reversal since it means you potentially didn't pay for our product.
  22. Activated. /Thread closed.
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