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Everything posted by Emiiru

  1. Activated. /Thread closed.
  2. Discount buys are manual activation for now. I'm working on activating you right now. edit: Fixed. /Thread closed.
  3. You initiated a chargeback so your access were automatically disabled, cancel the chargeback and you'll have access back.
  4. Emiiru


    User has been activated. /Thread closed.
  5. I'm sorry but we don't have any plans of making a cheat for this game at the moment.
  6. User has been activated. /Thread closed.
  7. I'm sorry I use mine for testing, even if rare, and right now I might actually need a decent chunk of money myself.
  8. It will make you saving up $5 faster, which depending on how fast you gain those could be a decent chunk. (And I guess so based on how slow you're saving up)
  9. Bruh you gotta save up instead
  10. As the title says they're MSDN keys, they're not exactly supposed to be distributed around, but a lot of people do it.
  11. Yeah there isn't really any way. Valve won't give you the information, and nobody but them knows the exact reason.
  12. It shouldn't have, else others would also have reported them being banned
  13. What is it that you're seeking? I'm not sure what to say in regards to the ban as there hasn't really been any other vac reports like yours which kinda makes it hard to pinpoint a reason as to why you got banned.
  14. Emiiru

    a proposal

    I'm sorry but we're probably not interested based on the title of your PM.
  15. https://chods-cheats.com/halloween-approaches/
  16. Chod says that he still receives the emails and can reply to them too
  17. "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts." can stay for pretty damn long.
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