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Everything posted by Emiiru

  1. I'm sorry but I'm not sure I understand, what is your issue?
  2. This is usually due to too many requests, don't open the website too many times, or spam functions that makes requests.
  3. Someone else reported it in the shoutbox. I also have it.
  4. Yes. There is a way to stop this on your end, but then you shouldn't use aimbot or triggerbot.
  5. I can confirm this is the cheat and not you. Chod will update the cheat later today to remedy this issue.
  6. It's in the header under support. We originally planned just to use it ourselves and let customers see, however we decided to let users have a section.
  7. Extend via https://chods-cheats.com/clients/purchases/
  8. I have been trying too, but it still gives me the same error. I added credits thinking that would help, but it doesn't. Ah yes my bad, it's https://chods-cheats.com/clients/purchases/
  9. Renew via https://chods-cheats.com/clients/
  10. It's for players. Yes colored chams works fine. Do keep in mind they will be a bit more resource requiring since it is stream proof.
  11. Yes nothing will show up on stream. Through I have heard something about the wire model incorrectly showing up on stream. Glow esp, and stuff that modify walls are not available in the stream version.
  12. If everything is ok it's pretty much instant. If it's pending for review than an admin will have to take a look at your transaction.
  13. I'm sorry if that is the issue with you. You hook up your card to paypal though? The entire payment side is handled by Stripe. Unless you add the card to our site, but that is also secure of course.
  14. We do not support that AC, so it would be at own risk.
  15. Emiiru


    We do not support paypal. Only Stripe, BTC, or skins (skfpay)
  16. Emiiru


    You should be able to continue your original invoice with the discount code here: https://chods-cheats.com/clients/
  17. No, it was just for members that may find this thread in the future. Have fun
  18. The best would be to create a support ticket for this specific issue. I have made the necessary changes to your account for you to be able to re-purchase.
  19. Hardware Identification depends on what the coder has coded. It could very well use some info from the HDD which would change on format.
  20. DANMAG, but yes it should be possible to directly pay with Visa.
  21. Emiiru


    Welcome to the site There is no way to purchase the old one as that is discontinued, you can only purchase Firefly so yes that is what you buy in the store
  22. No problem. Feel free to contact us any time either via the forums or a support ticket.
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