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Everything posted by Emiiru

  1. I believe the second one was supposed to say OBS studio, since most people still used the original.
  2. They sue cheat providers, so there's no plans for this game.
  3. Renew via https://chods-cheats.com/clients/purchases/
  4. Can't you just buy a new copy?
  5. Not sure what exactly to tell. The cheat is being reworked, so that needs to be done first before any invites are sent out. I have 2 in mind I know wishes for the cheat, that I'll invite when the cheats get re-released.
  6. Discord didn't closed their Discord Channel, they just took it off in order to prevent eventually future problems with them But your image says it was closed?
  7. could set your browser to remember
  8. We don't require you to turn off dep, we require you to have it at the default setting. Some cheat providers disable this, that's why it's mentioned.
  9. I don't think that would hinder you, pretty much all communication on the discord is in the chat channels.
  10. It's not wrong, it's the requirements. There's a reason we don't support third party solutions. Don't use aftermarket coils on your car and then complain to the dealership if one of them breaks.
  11. The cheat requires a usb stick. You will have to buy one.
  12. Yes those cheats have been discontinued. CSGO you can buy right away, it doesn't have requirements.
  13. Emiiru


    Also enterin Damn that noob dexter can't even follow the rules.
  14. Hello, this is the wrong section. I've moved it for you. Sorry, but we've decided that the Terraria market is too crowded with cheats so it is not beneficial to make a cheat for it. Best regards, Chod's Cheats.
  15. The taskbar is the bar at the bottom of your screen. Check the right side, you might need to open the extra menu there is, it shows as an arrow. https://puu.sh/xl8yB/b70c20844b.png Otherwise check for steam.exe via task manager.
  16. As said, you likely missed steam being open, it should show up in the taskbar. Clicking the x in steam does not fully close steam.
  17. It's likely that steam is still open, check the taskbar, or use the process manager to force close steam.exe
  18. Well yes, it is. Unfortunately our forum software is stupid in that way. As in, if you're creating an account while purchasing then if the payment gets held for review so does the account. So that is why the account doesn't exist.
  19. It being held for review means it has to be reviewed by a staff member first, this is usually the case if something seems up with the payment like fake billing or a ip hiding service. If that is the case then the payment will get denied, and reservation on the money will get lifted.
  20. That page is fine, however you could still have "safe aa" disabled in the other tab.
  21. This is not a proper refund reason. A: We will only offer a refund if you're having technical issues getting the program to run on your computer and we are unable to resolve it for you. If you get banned or decide you don't like it we will not offer a refund -- however, we will deal this case-by-case.
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