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Everything posted by Emiiru

  1. Welcome back to the site zherlong
  2. He were actually talking about the config system. Nothing have happened regarding "tier2" or encryption of scripts.
  3. The old configs does still work on the hack.
  4. It is possible to add prefixes I'm not so sure how "appropriate" "Legit", and "Rage" is though. Will have a look at the other suggestion but no promises.
  5. <p>I'm a knob that basically "kicked" me out of my own door.</p>

  6. <p>I'm a knob that basically "kicked" me out of my own door.</p>

  7. If it doesn't say "(read only)" then it's not read only. They're all cmds related to CUserCmd/UserCmd. buttons = "attack button state".. like IN_ATTACK, IN_FORWARD, however these are in bit values instead. Basic list 1 shoot 8 foward 16 backward 512 left 1024 right 131072 walk 4 crouch 2 jump 1032 forwardright 520 forwardleft 1040 backwardright 528 backwardleft forwardmove, sidemove, and upmove are all velocity related. forwardmove = Forward/backwards velocity. sidemove = Sideways velocity. upmove = up/down velocity. So if you for example set sidemove to 400, you move to the perfectly right.
  8. Afaik no. We haven't had any time to work on the cheats. We've been using all our time everday on the client+panel, and on the website. http://puu.sh/8kFNp.png Do keep in mind this might not be completely as I want it. (I actually already saw someone I want to change)
  9. That teamspeak isn't officially ours anymore. It belongs to Cruz, and he did change the title just not the channels.
  10. The scripting forum is here, and so is the beta forum. Beta access itself haven't been implemented yet. Wiki is not coming back. I did create a thread about scripting which has the functions, operators, and variables, It's currently in the staff forum since I haven't really gotten further with it except for adding the stuff listed above. http://puu.sh/8kFd4.png
  11. What I said is correct, but Guerilla bought a subscription. New orders and "old" orders are two separate things. This means that new orders are processed in their buying order, and old orders are processed in the posting order. He got activated because he bought a subscription. No, he will not activate anymore people today. He'll start again tomorrow morning (UK time/GMT)
  12. When buying cheats you will also need to get manually activated. I would advise to wait buying additional time till after you get your old sub activated. It might cause confusion otherwise.
  13. Not in the team anymore. No, the only new staff member is Mike.
  14. When Chod gets around to adding your sub. People are activated in the order as people post. You also have to remember all activations are manual so there will be times where no one will get activated.
  15. Yes Cruz decided to leave. We still have the promotion video he did for cs:go v2. It was uploaded to Chod's channel. Feel free to create more though, it's always appreciated.
  16. Added under "How long does it take to get activated?" Thanks!
  17. You don't have an avatar. You only have a profile picture. I know you can't set a avatar while being vip or non-vip currently. (Woopsies we missed that) We'll get around to it, but re-adding subs is top priority currently.
  18. I can't promise anything at this current time, we're very busy with giving people their sub back. So if anything it'll be later. Not to mention the new pre-sales thread. We're going to try to cover most questions in that.
  19. Mike is a friend of Chod. Yes I took the place of fckcruz. CireG and jump is still here but not on currently.
  20. omg first spam bot post. http://puu.sh/8kl9R.png
  21. Your post in the "How to restore your VIP status" thread will get edited with text corresponding to what the state of your activation is. You'll be able to see the VIP forums, and be able to login into the members panel, and the things byrlon said.
  22. Roflmao is 7 characters. We'll adjust the limit if LQ posts keeps popping up
  23. The original userbars we had didn't have transparency for some reason. We've contacted our graphic designer about this and it'll be fixed when he gets it done.
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