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Thank You Chods Cheats Staff and Community

I have been a long time cheater long time and before I found this amazing community. 

overall the staff, coders, and the entire community is an experience that not many cheating communities get 

we do get the bad eggs but the Staff of chods cheats is always on top of it.

A lot of the other communities i've been included in have been hostile toxic and just blatant out to get you even thought you paid them for a service they failed to deliver 

I personally have Never had that situation here and I love this community. 


To The Staff of Chods Cheats Past Present And Future

Keep up the good work guys everything from the community engagement to the support tickets and behind the scenes stuff us customers don't see 

for the two years i've been here i've see GFX Moderators admins and others leave for whatever reason but no matter what they are still one of us. 

I enjoy engaging with the staff even though there are restrictions due to Discord TOS but here on the website we are free to talk and ask questions and i love it.


Thank You Chods Cheats Staff!


To The Users Of The Chods Cheats Community

You guys are amazing, you guys built this community from the ground we are the corner stone of this fantastic community.

Everything from sharing information to contacting about cheat recommendations and even giveaways this community is the best!

I honestly think that this community of cheaters is the best one out there for any provider I enjoy talking and interacting with other members 

from just memeing about to full on intellectual conversations.


Thank You Chods Cheats Community!


To The Coders Of Chods Cheats!

The builders the creators and the coders. You people Thank you for everything you have done. You take time out of your life to code and implement cheats for us.

You created the cheats you created the service you created this website. You started this fire of a world wide cheating community. To all the coders that work for us

Thank you for taking the time out of your life to code, to cheat, and to put your accounts and computers on the line so we can cheat!


Thank You Coders of Chods Cheats


To Chod. 

Thank you for starting all of this... This is short because I don't know what to say. this is your lively hood this is your website, your company, your idea.

I know I haven't been around from to beginning to know it all but it must have been slow at the beginning. It must have been hard to start your company 

and to set this up for us it would be time consuming, pricey and a lot of dedication. Thank you 


Thank You Chod for Everything!

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2 hours ago, Seabass said:

Hi @Chod will this also fix the windows 1903 problem? A bit off topic I know but I’m one of the silly arses that have done the forced update and really can’t be mithering with all the roll back stuff unless absolutely necessary :) 

All cheats allrdy works with 1903 and has for over a month now :)

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