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Found 10 results

  1. I've come to notice that the cheese for this game is almost always offline durring the weekend which really sucks TBH cause i make videos with these cheats
  2. Is it ''safe'' to use? I mean if no one sees u, and u open doors without keys, you can get banned? like appears on thier console when u unlock a door without a key? did someone got banned because of this? i mean before, thanks for ur attention!
  3. Selling an EFT standard edition account, half off original price. Only played it a little bit Discord - AdroiT#3052
  4. Hello, I'm a new member here... (Pardon me if there would be any Grammar mistakes during this thread). I would like to know how the anti-cheat of EFT (Escape From Tarkov) works because so far I've not been banned from using it for a day and with obvious settings too. (FOV 1.03 and Aimbot Speed 1.83 withSuper bullet on, and no recoil, no sway, no spread and it still snaps). I tried to do hatchet runs and purposely die by players and see if there is a way to report the player. but I couldn't find a way to report any... So I figured maybe the anti-cheat tracks unusual actions such as speed hacks aim locks and such...? And one more thing... Does Escape From Tarkov ban HWID? and IP Address all together? because I've been using a VPN but I have purchased the game in January 2018. Without a VPN, and I heard they ban the IP and HWID that was firstly registered and bought from, and if so, How can I evade the BAN? because eventually, I will be going to get banned. Thank you for reading.
  5. I'd like to say thank you to Chod and the team, I cam from ********** and the difference is massive. The aimbot is smoother and the esp is way more clear, less cluttered. The only thing I could suggest that was really nice with ********** was open all doors.
  6. Hey Community, this is my way to say thank you for the dev's of the cheat. A short but specific review. First of all; the cheat is awesome. Works perfect and got no ban. At least i play since 01/01/2018 with the cheat. ESP: -The boxes are clear to see. No problems, laggs or deformity of the boxes. - Player ESP works clearly perfect. U see the enemy's and the direction the look at if you use "Skeleton". - Item ESP, with the new update, now works really good. You see the loot inside cases, bodies when you just look at it. So you know if something good or usefull is in it. Aimbot: First, i don't often use it, but i used it for this review. Plus, u can choose where the aimbot should aim at. If Head, Neck, Stormach or Legs. You can choose which Field of View it have and the speed from player to player. works perfect. Contra, i missed a configurable button for the aim if i don't be blind. No-Recoil, No-Breath and No-Sway are the things i used the most. You got every person at every range. Works with no doubt. BUT i have the feeling "Instakill" or now "Super Bullet" don't work. It only works in offline games in my cases. Anyone too? Should be fixed, would be very nice. Misc's: The most time i only use "Unlimited Stamina" or if i play solo "Speedhack". Both works perfect. No-Clip/ Fly mode works, but at least still buggy. Sometimes you got teleported back where you start to use it. I dunno if this is normal. But for me no problem. -Skyhack works, i dunno if other people can see it, but for me it works. -LSD Mode. I dunno what it do, in my game nothing change, haha -Night Vision is awesome. Such a better look at night as with NVG. -Fast Sprint i also don't see any changes, or i don't get it how to use, haha. *NOTE* Maybe you should change the distance between the Loot if you use "Loot to me". Most scavs or dead bodies can't get searched. That's it. I will make a new review, when i got behind every note. Hope it help a lot of you to make your choice to buy it. I can definitely recommend it. Thank you for reading and your welcome. Thanks to Chod's-Cheats. Cheers.
  7. Hey guys itsa boij behop heea, Everyone comment once and I will randomly select someone. I will pick winner in like 9 hours or somthn.
  8. Update May 11: Undetected. Update Feb 20: Still no ban. Use with confidence (but also common sense) Full disclosure: I have been using this cheat and a competitors for the past few weeks, these are my experiences. I will not be naming the competitor because it's rude and probably breaks a forum rule. I have not been offered anything by either company to post this review. If you want the TLDR, scroll down and read the customer service portion, it's the most important part of this review. Some brief info on my PC: GPU: 1080 ASUS ROG STRIX CPU: RYZEN 1700X Memory 32 gigs DDR4 I own 3 EFT accounts; 2 are EOD, one is the base package. One account is used with Chod's, one is with the competitors, and the final is for vanilla gaming only. Before buying Chod's product I was detected twice when using the competitor's product and this (among other things I expand on later in this review) pushed me to look elsewhere for a cheat that would hopefully keep me off the radar. As of this review, I have not been detected on the account that I use Chod's product on. Price Chod's is cheaper by a few dollars. That few dollars adds up after a few months of use. Injection process Competitor: You must load the game, alt-tab out (which causes problems for some EFT users, I am one of them), load the hack, inject at the main menu. That's irritating. Chod's: Load the hack then run the game. Injection is quick and painless. This is the injection process that I am familiar with, as this is not the first cheat I've used in online gaming. The fewer steps for the user the better. Ease of use In order for the competitor's cheat to run, I needed to kill some very beneficial processes, including OEM software that better optimized my GPU. Other things that could NOT be used during the use of their cheat was gaming software that was crucial to my keyboard and mouse. That's completely unsatisfactory. Chod's: I run the cheat, it tells me to run the game. It just works. Aimbot I do not use aimbots, so I will not be comparing the two. ESP: Competitor: Skeletons haven't' worked in weeks. The NPC/Player indicators on the screen are too large (think lines) and the text is bolded, making a mess on my screen. I see a pretty large dip in FPS. Chod's: At the time of use, Skeletons work very well along with a line at their head indicating where the Scav/PMC was facing. Huge advantage and a very cool feature. Text and player/scav indicators are thin and crisp. Little to no noticeable loss of framerate when using Chod's. ESP Extracts Plain and simple, Chod's lists and shows more extracts than the competitor's cheat. No Recoil/No weapon sway/infinite ammo/etc Competitor: These features are not offered. Chod: They work extremely well. EXTREMELY well. Infinite stamina/fast sprint Competitor: Infinite stamina is offered, however an increase in player speed is not. Chod's: Both are offered, and the increase in player movement speed is a huge advantage when chasing down runners. This is one of the features that really aids in completing in-game tasks. Item 'pulling' This option brings all lootable items in the raid to the player in a line in front of them. Competitor: Large amounts of space in between items, this is a hassle when sifting through looking for quest items and/or 'rare' items in game. It's a hassle. Chod's Very little space between items if any at all. This is crucial on maps like Shoreline where there are a ton of items. Chod's method makes it EXTREMELY easy to find what you want from what is available. This is one of the areas that the hack REALLY shines, in my opinion. You are able to grab money and other crucial items very quickly and then get to killing players or just extracting. Customer Support/Service This is flat out the most important part of this review. Competitor: I needed help running the competitor's product and was met with impolite, borderline-rude responses. My questions were met with smart-assed answers, always treating me like a dunce. Instead of pointing me in the direction of a solution, the competitor's staff simply treated me like an idiot and blamed the issues on me. Any suggestion/criticism of the product was met with indignance and more of the same rude behavior. When players voiced concern over the possibility of cheat detection they were talked down and a a few threads were locked. Chod's: I have had zero first hand experiences with Chod's support because their product has worked 100% of the time, sans being down for maintenance when significant game patches have hit. Reading the shoutbox and the forums gave me a very good indicator of the attitude of the staff here; they are absolutely interested in making the customer happy and finding a solution for them if there is an issue. The help from Chod staff here is quick, knowledgeable and most importantly they don't come off as rude or inconvenienced by answering questions. When players have offered suggestions or feedback here, Staff has taken the feedback and made changes. The modification of the STEP feature is an excellent example of Chod's listening to their customers. I like this a lot. When I saw users mentioning a concern over detection, they were told that it would be looked into and steps would be taken if necessary to maintain that the cheat was undetected. Managing customer expectations is a big deal for me--I used to work in customers service before I entered my career field. TLDR Conclusion Chod's is the clear winner here for me and I will be using their other products in the future.
  9. I'm going to be straight to the point. In it's current state, the cheat is 7/10. ESP: The ESP is functional, but extremely taxing on framerate. Overall, it is 6/10. Without the cheat enabled, I can run shoreline and woods on max settings with acceptable frames. With the cheat enabled, I have to turn everything to the absolute lowest settings. Shoreline is impossible to play. Factory is fine. The actual contents of the ESP are great. The only problem is it lists dead bodies as "generic", which is the label for other items as well. Not a big problem, just slightly annoying. Fix the frame issues and the ESP is easily 10/10. Aimbot: Aimbot isn't something I use much with cheats, as my aim is fine as it is. That being said, I have used Chod's aimbot for Tarkov, and it's also going to fall on 6/10. Even with a low FOV, the aimbot will snap to PMCs or Scavs that I am not trying to aim at. It has gotten me killed a few times now and I have simply not used aimbot since. Fix this and it's a 10/10, as the aimbot itself is amazing when it works. Right now it's just too risky. Misc features: Overall, 8/10. Everything works properly, besides Loot To Me. You can't loot bodies when you bring loot to yourself, making the idea pretty much useless. I've pulled PMCs with fully kitted M4s and rare snipers, but I can't loot them no matter what angle I try. All other features are great, especially noclip, which is amazing in factory for the rooms that usually need keys. Overall, the cheat is 7/10. Like I mentioned, the ESP framerate is borderline unacceptable, and the aimbot snapping needs work. I'll be here with the dev team the entire way hoping for updates to these problems. Cheers, and happy scav'ing. Edit: Also, I've only had a few crashes, and no blue screens, like lots of people have been reporting, so good work there I guess.
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