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Everything posted by FUCKER123

  1. Yo YO i am Walteisenberg, i donno how to change my name on this site :(

  2. FUCKER123

    New UI

    I just wanted to say that I just love the new UI its amazing
  3. Esp 9/10 The esp work great just the visibility check doesn't work always and it goes through bushes. Aimbot 6/10 The aimbot works but not always it sometimes aims above enemies. Speedhack 10/10 Works great i had no problems with it yet but i am not using it very often because i dont rage hack. Misc 10/10 Everything in misc works great and is great !! Overall 9/10 I can only suggest this cheat its also the only cheat for squad i could find thats not invite only or private.
  4. Sup my guy and welcome to chods
  5. It will probably be invite only so i do recommend to be active now before tarkov comes out ;D
  6. Try to turn off anti virus and make a ticket !
  7. its invite only so you will need to get trusted
  8. Getting better at something or learning something new but also drugs
  9. for what game are you the most hyped for this year? I am hyped for Cyberpunk 2077!
  10. Game: RustEngine: UnityAC: Easy Anticheat There are almost none Cheat providers for this game and I wish to cheat in it
  11. BSG doesn't give streamers Items you can buy the labs key cards on the flee market for 150k roubles
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