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  1. Game: Hunt: Showdown Engine: Crye Engine Anticheat: EAC Small comunity but about 90% of them searching endlessly for a cheat, no one make it atm. Simple ESP is more than great for this game, please consider that because chods cheat could have the monopoly on this game. pros for chod's: -easy money -monopoly on this game -lot of players looking for this cheat
  2. Thnx for the update face ❤️
  3. I'm getting bored of constant wipe, every time do the same things, over and over again. Constant adding mechanic to slow down the leveling time (see hideout) also bought 210€ of EOD edition, for a max size stash and now everyone can do the same with the 30€ standard game. But still love the game, i hope they come to a final release in the new years before the game became "old" even before the 1.0 (see dayz sa). I have 27 yro working 6 day a week and living with my GF, and my time on pc is very limited, farming hundred of hrs for loot and kill for get wipe every 3 month starting become a waste of time and starting is frustrating as hell, this is the reason because i start using cheese, most of the time using it only for avoid player and do my quest as fast as i can. 0.12 Pro: Big AI improvement New animation * Clothings for better customization (hope they make weapon spraycamo also) New map is always good New boss on woods and Milbase All things already mentioned on the patch note 0.12 Cons: Big problem of money Pistol seems to be nerf New map performance are broken The new trader have nothing new, just take some item to other trader and put it on him no slight improvement in performance Hundred of bugs New animation (some are broken, see your right hands when sprinting, etc) New trader quest are simply ridiculous Starting is now more hard than ever before Medicine cost too much money and off raid healing doesen't help PS: sorry for my maccheroni pizza english ?⚪??
  4. For Chod cheese there is no limit in my wallet. ?? I use his cheat on EFT with my EOD edition (tax. included about 210€ at the time) for about 1 years, and for me 18.99 GBP is a shame, more than happy to pay it 70 or even more for this kind of quality in a game with BE or EAC. Online you can find insta ban cheat for more than 30GBP very easy. Here you can find nice cheese, fast help/support from the staff and a small and nice comunity.
  5. Killa


    I'm an EFT player as well, i just renew my subscription to it because i can not live whitout the chatbox.
  6. finally a devblog, it was just what we need atm. Am very pleased that you share your daily work with us and only here you can find this kind of devotion to this work.
  7. Killa

    Welcome to the DevBlog!

    "In Chod we trust"
  8. I bought it, i need to test it, but is Oxyde proof from what i can see. thnx Bro ??
  9. Can you provide proof of method working?
  10. no, i play a little bit Warhammer space Hulk Deathwing, and old school dawn on war 1
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