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About SneakyRussian1488

  • Birthday 08/04/1982

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Rising Star

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  1. Ill buy another 3 months just to keep supporting.. Thanks Chods
  2. Glad I am NA just got back from the playtest at EA goodluck everyone!
  3. like honestly who would use their name they use on tarkov on here.. LOL if they did.. they need to get banned..
  4. Is there any way I can get invited to the discord already? I feel like i have a few things i can offer to help with future cheat development. 

  5. Could you also link me to the FAQ for what needs to be done to help? Im assuming just being apart of the community. 

  6. Great thing you are doing here bud.. making gaming fun all over for me again.. been playing since 99. Brought a whole new level of fun

  7. @GhillieNiick Any advice On what hardware key i should get for the usb? If i saw your namew id avoid you! ❤️
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