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About DingDong

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  1. Thanks for the update! Its appreciated!
  2. Thanks, will post it there as well!
  3. This review is written after using the cheat in the new Loader and update. Overall Rating = 9/10 First-off, GREAT JOB Chod and the rest of the team. The cheat really works well and just "feels great" when using it. The only reason why the rating is 9/10 is due to limited features in the current beta version which will improve with future updates. The new menu layout is great and works well! Down to the nuts and bolts; Aimbot = 9/10 It just "feels" good and locks on well to targets. I use different weapons and it all worked well. Bone selection in future updates would make this even better! Visuals = 9/10 I know that there would be many of you wanting more options for Loot ESP and selecting weapons/items you want. The basics of ESP in the current version is awesome. The glow feature works well and is something I really like. Due to the cheat being in beta I am not going to list my wishlist for it as I think all off those features will be added in the future! In conclusion: I know that the whole team here works hard to provide us with a safe cheat and you seldomly get the recognition you deserve. If this is what the future of your product will hold I am definitely exited to be a user and supporter! Thank you again and keep up the great work!
  4. Great job, can't wait Thanks for the hard work!
  5. Thanks Chod! Have never lost faith in your ability!!
  6. In the Kernel cheat age, one word... "Hypervisor" baby !! VT and Pacifica offers virtualization instructions for a hypervisor to control Ring 0 hardware (creating a new ring -1). The answer lies within! If our cheats run with a hypervisor they will ban the virtual machine and not your actual machine.
  7. LOL.... i will see you server side soon
  8. Great news! Thanks Chod and the rest of the team! I don't mind waiting for the best and safest cheats out there, you got my support!
  9. Thank you for great cheats!! Chod's rock!!
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