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Everything posted by DingDong

  1. Hello everyone, Let me start by saying that this is merely my opinion about the cheat after using it for going 2 weeks. Hopefully this can be of use to those wanting to buy the cheat as well as the dev's for improvement purposes. I also want to state that there are way more hackers in this game than what you could imagine and you will often find yourself in a gunfight with another hacker. This to me is normally the measure of a really good cheat, if you can hold your own against other hackers. Sadly I must admit that the cheat falls short in this class and you can expect to be out-gunned when you go head to head. But here is my honest review; Overall Rating: 5/10 Aimbot: 3/10 The aimbot "feels" weak and often miss the intended target. I have experimented with smoothing, prediction and instant hit, tuned it on and off in all combinations and it just does not do what you expect it to do. This issue compounds the longer the distance that your target is from you. It is almost impossible to hit the target with a Mosin at 100m. I do like the fact that you can select the part of the body you want to target, hitting it (like head) is another story though. Prediction: 2/10 You can clearly see how your cursor leads the target when prediction is turned on, but your bullet will comfortably fly past your targets head. I thought that using instant hit in combination with prediction could be the issue, but sadly prediction still failed with instant hit turned off. Prediction even sometimes miss the target when its standing dead still. In my opinion it renders the aimbot useless. Instant Hit: 7/10 This feature seems to work when you turn the prediction off. I must admit that it is hard to rate as there is not much difference with it turned on/off. No Spread/No Recoil: 10/10 This feature is what saved the use of the cheat for me and works great. You can rely on this when you aim normally in circumstance where the aimbot fails you. As long as you dont have shotgun aim you will be able to hold your own in most gunfights with this turned on. ESP: 5/10 This feature is a hit and a miss for me. On the good side I like that fact that it is customizable and allows you to select/set ESP for what you are looking for. I like the fact that you can see the content off lootboxes especially in a game where you need keys to open some lootboxes. On the downside you will find that the ESP text sometimes randomly spawns way up in the sky and not even close to the item. This clutters up your screen and makes it more difficult to find what your looking for. Another issue is that even though you can set the distance of objects to be up to 3000m, or even player ESP, it does not work beyond about 400m. I am not sure if this is a serverside issue where objects do not render further that about 400m, but it would be nice see objects and especially other players further out than 400m. Conclusion The cheat in it current state will still help you to survive much longer in Deadside, than without it. You will quickly figure out how to make use of what you got to still be successful. If all the feature in the cheat was working the way it was intended this would be an awesome cheat. The question remains, will I re-sub to this cheat? Sadly I must state that I will not. Once the aimbot issues at a minimum has been resolved I will be back with a vengeance. Suggestions - Please fix the aimbot. - Please fix the ESP. - Please add if possible an unlock feature for lootboxes that are locked. Happy hunting! See ya serverside!!
  2. Thanks for the update! Its appreciated!
  3. Thanks, will post it there as well!
  4. This review is written after using the cheat in the new Loader and update. Overall Rating = 9/10 First-off, GREAT JOB Chod and the rest of the team. The cheat really works well and just "feels great" when using it. The only reason why the rating is 9/10 is due to limited features in the current beta version which will improve with future updates. The new menu layout is great and works well! Down to the nuts and bolts; Aimbot = 9/10 It just "feels" good and locks on well to targets. I use different weapons and it all worked well. Bone selection in future updates would make this even better! Visuals = 9/10 I know that there would be many of you wanting more options for Loot ESP and selecting weapons/items you want. The basics of ESP in the current version is awesome. The glow feature works well and is something I really like. Due to the cheat being in beta I am not going to list my wishlist for it as I think all off those features will be added in the future! In conclusion: I know that the whole team here works hard to provide us with a safe cheat and you seldomly get the recognition you deserve. If this is what the future of your product will hold I am definitely exited to be a user and supporter! Thank you again and keep up the great work!
  5. Great job, can't wait Thanks for the hard work!
  6. Thanks Chod! Have never lost faith in your ability!!
  7. In the Kernel cheat age, one word... "Hypervisor" baby !! VT and Pacifica offers virtualization instructions for a hypervisor to control Ring 0 hardware (creating a new ring -1). The answer lies within! If our cheats run with a hypervisor they will ban the virtual machine and not your actual machine.
  8. LOL.... i will see you server side soon
  9. Great news! Thanks Chod and the rest of the team! I don't mind waiting for the best and safest cheats out there, you got my support!
  10. Thank you for great cheats!! Chod's rock!!
  11. Welcome, hope you enjoy the cheats here as much as I do!
  12. Name: DingDong Location: USA, Leesburg VA - East Coast (NA) What you do(work/school..): Full time work (Corporate environment) Age: 49 Languages: English and Afrikaans Online for x hours a day: 6+ hours per day Monday to Friday - Weekends 12+ hours (Yea I know, I don’t have a life :P) Experience with our products: EFT and SOT Relevant experience: Active gamer for as long as I can remember. Used to forum administration on game clan websites. I received a lot of help from the community here when I started and this would be a good way for me to pay it forward. Why you think you would be good for this position: I like helping people and being a bit older than the average gamer, I believe that I have a bit more patients. I do not want to do this for free cheats as I don’t mind paying for cheats that works. I would love to contribute and make Chod’s the preferred provider for cheats. Anything else: Even thou I work full time Mon-Fri I can check in on the forums from work at any time. I am flexible to work on peak times as the need my require from time to time. Thanks for the consideration!
  13. Joined the community specifically for the EFT cheese. I am a complete noob at this and using the cheese was a total new experience for me. Little things like setting it up, from injection to fine tuning the cheat was new and I did not want to F%$# it up and get myself banned... BUT, if you join Chod's you quickly realize you become a Chod citizen and member of a community that helps each other. My impressions?; Instructions are clear and easy to follow. When I ran into questions due to my stupid noobness, members of the community stepped up and helped me in a friendly and supportive manner. After the last update the cheat went down and stayed for safety reasons. There was a lot of feedback on the forums and if you cared to read it, it answered all your questions. I appreciate the fact that Chod's team cares about providing a safe to use product. (Remember that we accept the risk to cheese!!) Being compensated for the time that the cheese is down also a good gesture and shows a lot of goodwill. The cheese itself?? Well lets just say I still have a hard-on... (i know people feel that there is a lot that can improve - but hell, for me it's like I've won the lottery right now! Maybe I will comment on the cheese itself after have more hands on experience - no pun intended ) I hope to be around for a long time, keep up the awesome work!!
  14. DingDong


    Welcome! I'm new as well, maybe I will see you server side on EFT
  15. Good afternoon everyone. I just signed up for 3 months on the EFT cheat. Still waiting on approval of my details. I have heard some good stuff about this community so i am excited to join! Hope to see some of you serverside... just don't kill me :P Join me me a cold beer!! :)
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