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Everything posted by Rated

  1. Howdy, As stated in the title, I am selling my personal used EFT - Standart Edition Account for 15€. If interested, send me a private message or contact me via discord. Discord: Rated#7307 Payment Method: PayPal Best Regards, Rated.
  2. @Plastic Warfare Hello, Welcome to Chod's first of all. PUBG is a Invite-Only Cheat. As far as I know, PUBG is currenty outdated. Click here to learn more on how to get invited to the VIP Cheats. Best Regards, Rated.
  3. @gamenox2 Hello, Welcome to Chod's, enjoy your stay! Kind Regards, Rated.
  4. Hey there, Welcome to Chod's Cheats! Enjoy your stay! Kind Regards, Rated.
  5. Service is on hold due. PC related issues. Should be back online in about a week.
  6. Hey there, sorry for the late response. I didn't receive any notifications. Negative, I don't need any account details, all I need is your YouTube Channel Link. Yes, you are able to add it to any account you wish, I just need the YouTube Channel Link. Negative it will not, there are many ways to add Subscribers, there are a lot of different methods (Real & Active Subscribers is one of the methods). Yes, of course you are able to receive the silver/gold play button from YouTube. Best Regards, Rated.
  7. @CaptSuicide Heya. Welcome to Chod's! Enjoy your Stay!
  8. Keep it to the games that are on the list.
  9. Thank you! Appreciate it! @Mazkee
  10. Thanks for giving the Community a Chance to Win a Subscription! Very generous @Oxyde. Good luck to everyone!
  11. Hey. How many hours does the Account have? Best Regards, Rated.
  12. Thanks for giving the Community a Chance to Win Destiny 2! Very generous. Good luck to everyone!
  13. @wirklich Welcome to Chod's! Enjoy your Stay!
  14. I agree on that. I can read everything perfectly fine now! Thanks! Nice to meet you Hairline. Thanks for your Introduction!
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