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Everything posted by Chad

  1. Cereal then milk. If you do anything else you're a freak.
  2. I don't think they HWID ban. A lot of people have said to clear your cookies and rebuy a new account. I'd, of course, change your IP as well but I think that goes without saying.
  3. I was gonna buy it but I've seen the mixed reviews so I'd rather wait till a sale.
  4. Chad

    FIFA 19

    So...You wouldn't need aimbot but...footbot? Kickbot? I'm not really sure how cheats would work lol
  5. Hello. The only word I know is Cyka Blyat so I hope that means hello
  6. I hate to break it to you but a lot of cheese from various boards have that feature too. BSG knew cheese was an issue and given the fact they've made little to no AC updates before this I'd say it's a long time coming. I don't think Chod could have done much different and he'd still be in this situation. It's a game of cat & mouse but BSG didn't bother chasing for over a year. If a feature is detected it is removed, for now, we don't know what exactly went wrong so it's just speculation.
  7. I don't think the features of the cheese was the reason it got detected. Like Chod said, "It took BSG a full year to come anywhere near detecting us...". To me, that means the AC was updated to detect the program and not so much the features. I could be wrong but given the downtime, I'd say this isn't a simple fix like removing a certain feature.
  8. As for the whole subject access request that your friends have done - BSG are allowed up to one month to process the request and can return the data they collected on you and they can charge you for that request if it's deemed an excessive request (and to my knowledge they get to decide what's excessive). As for the whole file scanning, I'm not sure if it's true but it's most likely written in the TOS. EAC, Battleye all knowingly scan game files for cheats so it's not an absurd theory. For anyone who isn't aware GDPR only applies to people within the EU. Doesn't matter where BSG is.
  9. Never used trigger just because with ESP you kind of get the same effect but it looks more legit. My "default" settings are usually a controlled spray aimbot so it looks legit and I toggle ESP depending on how good the other team is
  10. I'd say CS:GO just because the amount of options is insane. You have so many different ways to tweak each part of the cheese.
  11. Might I suggest allowing users to PM you or whoever is reviewing these applications? I'd apply but I don't really feel comfortable telling people what I do for a living etc.
  12. lmao. I thought it was the real one just snooping around xD
  13. Are you the same LewisUK who's head mod of EFT trading? Or was the last time I looked.
  14. Chad

    Noah :^)

    Hi. Not sure what to type here so I'll follow the meta. I don't usually cheat, I have nothing against it but my Steam account is a high level with a bunch of games so I don't risk it. I used to moderate on a cheat site, I won't say the name but AJ. I've always been fairly interested in the cheating scene. Something that's evolved from X, O, R1, R2 found on websites, in gaming articles to now being a viable business - interesting to me anyway. Hi.
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