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  1. Lol then you get wrecked by a team lol
  2. De.LoW

    SCUM game

    I was watching one of the recent 2hr streams and it doesnt seem as amazing as I thought.
  3. Yeah some of my buddies have the game already and are trying to get me into it. I never really played that style of game before but should be something fun to do.
  4. De.LoW


    Hey Everyone, Been larking here for sometime now. Finally introducing myself but I've been around cheating for a long time now. Also worked for several sites on all ends. But known Chods now for a could years and seen the stuff he has been making and really got intrigued by his EFT cheat. But its nice to meet and talk to everyone here!
  5. I remember watching that stream with Summit I was hearing the cringey shit that Klean was saying ugh that guy get annoying when he talks about cheating.
  6. HAHAH! WDF this is gold bro! Only in EFT!
  7. Yep agreed, with Chods its a whole new experience and is so much better of a game.
  8. Great review and good detail on what you seen and issues you had.
  9. Good review brother man. I do agree with you on it! Best cheat around.
  10. There is risks when cheating thats how it is. Cant really complain when you took that risk the second you applied for the site and approved the TOS.
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