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Everything posted by Chad

  1. https://gyazo.com/a11d3508444a79c0862310c35da2776a I'm entitled to have an opinion and that opinion is that you're most likely fishing to scam. People can still take the risk but I'd rather not.
  2. There is but it's VIP/Invite only and I've been told by several moderators that they aren't inviting at the moment or anytime soon. You can read more about it here if you wish.
  3. Is this EFT or CS:GO? I always find it's best to create a new cfg each time you change something rather than saving over the old one regardless of the game.
  4. ? I already have a bigger USB but good luck to everyone ❤️❤️❤️ ? Sellier
  5. Don't bother with this guy. He won't use a middleman and when confronted about not using a middleman he just changes the price he wants to avoid talking further. Mods can PM me for chatlogs but I think this kid's fishing to scam.
  6. Chad


    Welcome. I am the resident artist here at Chods.
  7. Welcome! Did you know the heart of a shrimp is in its head?
  8. Well, the phrase "No ETA" usually means no expected time of arrival so I'm guessing they don't have an ETA.
  9. Nice review. A tip for the aimbot; I found that anything below around 1.20 on the speed will cause the aimbot to look left, right or up in the sky. Using 1.33 as of yesterday and had no issues with that.
  10. This isn't the section to be asking and this question has been answered at least three times by staff. It's up to Chod which I'm assuming means there is no current plan.
  11. Not true. There are tons of public cheats but unless you're willing to drop $150+ a month then don't bother looking.
  12. I think it'll be a case of, will Chod see enough potential market there? The game's sitting around 20k players but even then you have to consider it just came out and people need time to really build an opinion on it. I don't see it dying because look at how big Dayz was even with it's lack of features compared to SCUM. Faceless is right in that it's Chod choice.
  13. Should be but it depends when someone who can handle payments is around.
  14. I'm not reading this book. Give me the TLDR version ?
  15. Thank you for the short and sweet testimonial indeed
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