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Everything posted by Chad

  1. Chad

    Why use mods

    You're asking a question which will never have an answer because it's completely subjective. I have a feeling you already know the answers you're expecting but are trying to bait so I'll be locking this.
  2. Thanks for the review.
  3. They restock every few months. There's no current ETA.
  4. https://gyazo.com/a00cde3a59a1db96e705d4b10fb9edec Cheater
  5. I feel like Google would be more useful.
  6. Thank you to all those who applied.
  7. I'm still listening to it but it's great so far, very honest which I think we can all appreciate.
  8. Very detailed video review, thanks!
  9. Welcome. I'm a lover, not a fighter.
  10. Make sure to use an official middleman from this list:
  11. In my experience, it's all luck. There are many users who rage that haven't been caught yet and many "legit" looking users who have. It's a dice roll each time you play.
  12. I love Twinkies! I'll admit they're very sickly after one or two but I still think they're an amazing creation.
  13. Chad


    Here's a list of official resellers and what platform they trade on. Just pick one and drop them a private message on the forum.
  14. Chad


    Thanks for your review.
  15. But it was changed? I'm 99.9% sure it wasn't "NA only" 3 days ago.
  16. It's been asked a few times but it seems most likely it won't happen. Dexter said earlier that they're likely to sue so it isn't worth the risk.
  17. I've had this before but usually, a restart fixes it. Have you tried restarting your PC and the client?
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