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Everything posted by Chad

  1. You won't be able to redownload the client until you have an active subscription anyway.
  2. Stop talking in French. Are you oblivious to the conversation that just took place above your comment?
  3. No need to delete it. We want it in English We appreciate the review.
  4. It's just about active etc. my advice is, if you're not willing to be apart of the community then there's no point. We only add people who have stuck around, stayed active and bought cheats in the past - these are also the requirements. It's not a quick process.
  5. There's no set time. It can be quicker or longer for some people it depends on the circumstances.
  6. Welcome! Enjoy your stay and this spooky skeleton as it's Halloween.
  7. Hello, welcome to the community. And happy Halloween.
  8. I see your 100yen and raise you 200yen.
  9. My advice is maybe to lower the price. You can buy a Nova 3 account with prime for $30, that's nearly half the price of yours. Your skins aren't worth a lot and nobody really buys accounts for the medals. Just my advice.
  10. Unlikely. The game is dead so there's really no point in putting the time and effort into updating it. However, that's not set in stone so it could return.
  11. Put a price on this so people have a rough idea.
  12. It's most likely disabled by the web developer. They don't add anything other than taking up space.
  13. Makes sense, though. Big money for Optic and cut him loose if/when he gets caught. Not sure their PR had a say in that, though.
  14. He probably only used very subtle settings like ESP throughout most of the recorded events - aside from his obvious aimlock on Cache. The first clip, I don't see any aimbot and if there is it's only moving to the target and then turning off so it looked fairly doable. It's only now he's been caught that people are scrutinizing every clip.
  15. Chad

    Why use mods

    You're asking a question which will never have an answer because it's completely subjective. I have a feeling you already know the answers you're expecting but are trying to bait so I'll be locking this.
  16. They restock every few months. There's no current ETA.
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