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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Make sure to use an official middleman: https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/
  2. Faceless


    Hey aristo, enjoy your further stay. ?
  3. Thank you for the review! ?
  4. We will never offer a fortnite cheat because they sue providers.
  5. Welcome and enjoy your further stay! ?
  6. The cheat is currently disabled and Chod will fix it as soon as possible. There is no ETA.
  7. Faceless


    Hey! Welcome to Chod's and enjoy your stay. ? If you need any help just ask.
  8. Follow me on the forum and you'll get my config.
  9. Make sure to use a middleman: https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/
  10. How did you check that he did not give him a warning? You can't see warnings on other peoples profile. The infraction will expire after 1 month don't worry, chatbox is english only by the way.
  11. no, read the banner.
  12. Thank you for the kind words! ?
  13. Hey Denis, enjoy your further stay. ?
  14. I fixed your tags and made your name blue. ? @GeraltOfRivia
  15. Welcome to Chod's Cheats! Enjoy your stay. ?
  16. Please make sure to use one of the official middleman: https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/
  17. Welcome to Chod's Cheats! Enjoy your stay. ?
  18. Thank you for the review. ?
  19. Make sure to use a middleman: https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/
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