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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Make sure to use an official middleman from our site, we had some scammers recently: https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/
  2. We do this on purpose to keep the discord server clean. It's also just a communityserver to talk about stuff that is NOT cheating related.
  3. Make sure to use an official middleman from our site, we had some scammers recently: https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/
  4. Make sure to use an official middleman from our site, we had some scammers recently: https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/
  5. Welcome to Chod's! Enjoy your stay
  6. Make sure to use an official middleman from our site, we had some scammers recently: https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/
  7. Make sure to use an official middleman from our site, we had some scammers recently: https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/
  8. It doesn't really matter, BSG knows about Chod's cheats for a long time now.
  9. Thank you for the kind words! ?
  10. Most users don't have this problem. Did you clear the cookies in your browser after your first account got banned? Did you use any other cheat in the meantime when our cheat was down? It was most likely a delayed ban from the earlier banwave to be honest.
  11. Yeah i heard that lots of psychopaths do it that way..
  12. Thats most likely from the previous banwave. The ban doesn't get triggered if you don't start the game.
  13. Faceless


    Enjoy your further stay buddy.
  14. Make sure to use one of the official middleman: https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/
  15. The csgo cheat is currently outdated and will get fixed as soon as possible, please be patient. Downtime will get compensated.
  16. It's funny for me that you talk about it like it gets detected every few months. Maybe you should learn to read my friend. What do you think about me? That i laugh about people that got banned or what? If you got a problem with the fact that we stayed UD for 1 year and got our first big banwave now then go somewhere else buddy. Or stop cheating at all because it's nothing for you if you think like that. Cheating is and will always be a risk. If you can't understand that you should stop cheating immediately.
  17. It will be available again after Chod updated the cheat. He is working hard on the update!
  18. You are talking as if our cheat gets detected every few months
  19. I'm sorry that you had this bad experience. Chod always does his best to keep the cheats undetected and he managed keep it like that for almost a year.
  20. Thank you for the review! ?
  21. Hey! Enjoy your further stay.
  22. Hey, you could just do a rightclick on the profile picture and click on open in a new tab so it's not that difficult. Please make sure to open your thread in the correct section next time.
  23. It would depend on how big the playerbase is and if enough people would be interested in buying a cheat for it. There are currently no plans in releasing a cheat for Fifa but you never know.
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