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About SamMathena

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  1. You can upgrade package for cheaper if you goto website, it will remove the price of the package you have from the upgrade instead of making a new account
  2. My friend who is very full of himself and likes to pretend to know alot of stuff he doesnt (one of those dudes), tells me he has 'looked through the eft files' and says that there is ZERO a/c in the game. For anyone who knows, how much of an a/c does Tarkov? Is it server sided or something client sided? EDIT: The only reason I say this is because he doesnt even know enough about computers to find the tarkov folder
  3. I’m looking to buy large sums of money not make 40 usd at a time
  4. Long story short my friend buys money cases full of usd for $8 from a modder who has some sort of duping method. He wont tell me where from because we arent that good of friends and hes russian and the modder is russian but He streams and ive seen the insane amounts of money he has(upwards of 3 mil USD) Im looking for anyone that sells cheap duped money on eft.
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