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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. This is for testimonials and not support.
  2. This Also as always wrong section.
  3. Hey, thats not possible unfortunately.
  4. Hey Its still publibly available most of the time.
  5. Your subscription expired before the cheat went down in august.
  6. It's one month for all features that are listed on the store yes.
  7. one month as listed on the store.
  8. This is the wrong section btw, thread closed.
  9. We wont lower the price, feel free to search for a cheaper Provider and yes if we feel like we should investigate an update we will take the cheat down. If you like it or not doesnt matter.
  10. You are saying this as if we are the only provider who got detected.
  11. Welcome to chods, enjoy your stay.
  12. There are online curses like udemy.com. But please if you buy something there, usually there is some kind of 90% discount code if you google a bit, dont pay the full price that would be crazy. other then that there is learncpp.com and uc and some other websites that i can't mention here. There's lots of ressources and tutorials to learn from.
  13. For a basic cheat c++ and learning how to draw is all you need. It already takes a long time to learn and get used to making simple cheats without just copy/pasting everything and ofcourse only for games without any kind of anticheat. And thats also just for private usage. If you want to sell your cheat you will have to learn additional languages like sql, php, css, you need to learn how to protect your loader, anticracking, encryption, networking, and just a deep knowledge about the engine of the game and the OS as well as, and thats the most important, reversing the anticheat and learning how it works to write a proper bypass. All in all its just years of learning, practicing and trial and error.
  14. Thank you for the review. Make sure to post in the correct section next time.
  15. it's the racist cunt version of the cheat jk its a test build.
  16. Welcome and enjoy your further stay.
  17. no idea and yes, well depends on the wipe.
  18. Wrong website for that. /Closed
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