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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Hey, there is no eta for updates but yes the downtime will get compensated.
  2. Hey, no it does not mean that. We are working on it.
  3. Thank you for the review.
  4. We are still waiting for the creator to push a necessary update unfortunately..
  5. If the killer hooks you it will count as an actual hook what you can do is go to a hook and then use selfhook so it looks like you are hooked
  6. Hey, are you using the singapore server?
  7. Read our guides please: https://chods-cheats.com/guides/nongame/
  8. Faceless

    Hey fam!

    Welcome to chods and enjoy your stay!
  9. Thats what he says. We just dont support it officially yet so we cant guarantee that it works.
  10. Hey, thanks for the review! You can expect more features to be added in the future.
  11. Welcome to chods and enjoy your stay.
  12. Wrong section, please make a support ticket.
  13. News will be in the cheat update section.
  14. Paypal is only possible via resellers:
  15. We will make it compatible, yes.
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