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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Thank you for the review! Unfortunately i had to remove the videos as discussing other providers is not allowed. If you have any suggestions you can add them here: https://chodscheats.nolt.io/
  2. Well if the guy who you sold the account to got banned it shouldnt affect you. Only way to find out is to buy the game again and give it a try
  3. Hey, unfortunately the csgo cheat got discontinued and we have no plans to make a new one as the csgo cheat market is oversaturated.
  4. Do you remember NoClip? Good old times:
  5. with intel yes, but keep in mind the status is unknown at the moment.
  6. Currently not available!
  7. Thank you for the review!
  8. Hey, thats correct it will not work right now.
  9. radar cheats have been there for years and yes they work. I'm not sure if they are a thing anymore cause battleye started encrypting their packets (i think). Didnt really follow it.
  10. Welcome to Chod's, enjoy your stay!
  11. Thank you for the review!
  12. Thank you for the review and enjoy your stay.
  13. psilent probably doesnt work for most games and i dont really see the benefit of client side silent aim.
  14. Faceless

    help !

    Hey, you need to buy a cheat first!
  15. Hey, it's only for customers with an active subscription!
  16. Faceless


    our client is hwid locked and yes thats normal. Then you didnt hit enter or didnt start it as administrator. What does the cmd window say after you entered the command.
  17. Faceless


    Hey, run cmd as administrator and paste in bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOn Then hit enter.
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