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Everything posted by CantThinkOfName

  1. You guys have to realize that that's a normal price for BE cheats. You pay for the security and features. One thing to add, Price is not set in stone and will be looked at before release. But since this thread is now people just complaining im gonna lock it,.
  2. Chod has been working extremely hard to get this out. When its done you will know.
  3. @Animu Thanks for all the kind words ❤️
  4. If it was removed then it was for a good reason. If Chod see's that it can be added back safely he will.
  5. @Blossom congrats on winning, Nameless might just stick
  6. Welcome to the community! Make sure to read the discord post.
  7. Toothbrush, water, paste, water == If you don't do that you are a serial killer
  8. If you are going to buy this account USE a middleman, i am always available.
  9. There was a poll about upcoming cheats, it is always a possibility. //Locked.
  10. Just play as legit as possible and you wont be manual banned.
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